Maternity entitlements

Universal maternity entitlements were recognized in the National Food Security Act 2013 which requires all pregnant women be given Rs. 6000 per child as cash support. In 2017, the central government began a "Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana" to operationalise this entitlement. For more information on PMMVY, please also see the Jachha-bachha Survey (JABS) 2019 page.

This is a part of an archive of photographs for various entitlement programmes of the government of India and of state governments. These photographs have been taken since 2005 or so, in the course of field work undertaken for data collection.

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Awareness levels regarding the benefits through PMMVY remain low. It is rare to find awareness material such as this poster. Jharkhand 2020.

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The state government’s Mathrushree programme provides cooked meals to pregnant and lactating women. (Note: unlike most other photographs here, this was not an unannounced visit.) Rural Bangalore, 2019.

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The state government’s Mathrushree programme provides eggs along with other nutritious food to pregnant and lactating women. (Note: unlike most other photographs here, this was not an unannounced visit.) Rural Bangalore, 2019.

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Mathrushree’s one hot meal provides women an opportunity to leave the house, meet with other pregnant or lactating women. Rural Bangalore, 2019.

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