
This is a part of an archive of photographs for various entitlement programmes of the government of India and of state governments. These photographs have been taken since 2005 or so, in the course of field work undertaken for data collection.

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There are also videos documenting the implementation of Pensions that have been collected along with the photos. Please click the button below to see them.

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The paperwork associated with applying for a social security pension is onerous. To make matters worse, the central government is putting pressure on states to move to an Aadhaar-based payment system, where the paperwork required is far worse. Here a fragile old man is being turned back because he did not know that he needed to bring another document. Jharkhand 2012.

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Andhra Pradesh has disbursed pensions through post offices for a long time. Some years ago, it also introduced biometric authentication. A crowded post office on the day of pension disbursals. 2015.

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As the density of banks and post offices is low in rural Odisha, the state continued to pay pensions as cash in hand. The 15th of every month is designated as pension day. Pensioners gather at the local Gram Panchayat office, their names are called out, then they sign the register and receive their cash. Bansikole, Mayurbhanj, Odisha 2014.

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Pension day in Bansikole, Mayurbhanj, Odisha.

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Pensioners chat while they wait their turn at the Gram Panchayat office. Bansikole, Mayurbhanj, Odisha 2014.

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Even in November 2019, the Odisha government continued to pay pensions as cash in hand at the Gram Panchayat. Nuapada.

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In Rajasthan the transition to post office and bank payments was made some years ago. Here, the crowd at a bank as people gather to withdraw their pensions. 2016.

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In Rajasthan the transition to post office and bank payments was made some years ago. Here, the crowd at a bank as people gather to withdraw their pensions. 2016.

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