Sponsored Research Projects

A. Projects in Progress as Principal Investigator


(1) Title of Project -        Development of Bio-sensors & microtechniques.. (RP02082)

       Sponsoring Agency -     NAIP (World Bank)

      Coordinator-                  Ratnamala Chatterjee       

      Co-Coordinators -         NA


      Funds sanctioned       Rs. 76.6395 lakhs for 5 years w.e.f  4th April 2008


(2) Title of Project -        Quantum Design Ever Cool MPMS XL-7  as a National Facilty

       Sponsoring Agency -     DST

      Coordinator-                  Ratnamala Chatterjee       

      Co-Coordinators -         N. Khare, M.Sharma and S.Chaudhury


      Funds sanctioned       Rs. 2,9674,000.00 for 5 years w.e.f  6th August 2007


(3) Title of Project -        Preparation & Characterization of exfoliated graphite with multiferroic  oxide for its application of 2-18 GHz EM Absorber (RP02568)

       Sponsoring Agency -     DMSRDE- DRDO

      Coordinator-                  Ratnamala Chatterjee       

      Co-Coordinators -         NA


      Funds sanctioned       Rs. 15.05350 lakhs for 2 years w.e.f  12th March 2012


(4) Title of Project -        Development & Characterization of piezoelectric thin-films for MEMS  accelerometers (RP02386)

       Sponsoring Agency -     DRDO CARS

      Coordinator-                  Ratnamala Chatterjee       

      Co-Coordinators -         NA


      Funds sanctioned       Rs. 11.5 lakhs for 1 years w.e.f  13th August 2010


 B. Projects Completed as Principal Investigator

 (5) Title of Project -           Remnant Strain measurements of Lead based Systems for SME (RP02207)

     Sponsoring Agency –   DRDO

     Principal Investigator- Ratnamala Chatterjee

    Co- Investigator-           NA

    Funds Received -          Rs. 14.18 lakhs for 2 years w.e.f  12th March 2009


 (6) Title of Project -           Competition of Exchange interactions and Functional properties of Novel Metamagnetic Shape Memory Alloys (RP02163)

     Sponsoring Agency –   DST - RFBR

     Principal Investigator- Ratnamala Chatterjee

    Co- Investigator-           NA

    Funds Received -          Rs. 12.7644 lakhs for 2 years w.e.f  11th Nov. 2008


 (7) Title of Project -           Influence of Electronic Structure on Adhesion & Friction of Quasicrystals (RP0818)

     Sponsoring Agency –   CEFIPRA

     Principal Investigator- Prof. G.V.S.Shastri (BHUIT), Prof. J.M.Dubois (LSG2M, Nancy, France)

    Co- Investigator-           Ratnamala Chatterjee (IITD) Prof. O. N.Srivastava Physics, BHU), Dr. N.K.Mukhopadhyay (BHUIT), Dr. R.K.Mandal (BHUIT) & Dr. E. Belin-Ferre, LCPMR, Paris, France

    Funds Received -          ~ Rs. 5100,000.00 + European budget for 3 years w.e.f  March 2006


 (8) Title of Project -           Functional Ceramic Ferroelectromagnetic Materials in single-phase Solid-solutions

     Sponsoring Agency –   Asian Office of Aerospace Research & Development

     Principal Investigator- Ratnamala Chatterjee

    Co- Investigator-           NONE

    Funds Received -          ~ US$ 25,000.00 (~Rs. 12 lacs) for 18 months w.e.f  July 2006


 (9) Title of Project -           Synthesis & Charact.of Pb-based Ferroelectric Systems for Shape memory Effect

     Sponsoring Agency –   DRDO

     Principal Investigator- Ratnamala Chatterjee

    Co- Investigator-           NONE

    Funds Received -          Rs. 4520,000.00 for 3 years w.e.f  25 May 2006


 (10) Title of Project -           Development of Ferroelectromagnetic Materials for Advance Devices Application

     Sponsoring Agency –   DST

     Principal Investigator- Ratnamala Chatterjee

    Co- Investigator-           NONE

    Funds Received -          Rs. 1050,000.00 for 3 years w.e.f  20 Sep 2006


 (11) Title of Project -           Study of Magnetic Thin Films

     Sponsoring Agency –   Ministry of Human Resource & Development

     Principal Investigator- Ratnamala Chatterjee

    Co- Investigator-           NONE

    Funds Received -          Rs. 12,50,000.00 for 3 years w.e.f  28 Jun 2001


(12) Title of Project -            Prep.and Character.of Shape Memory Alloys for Actuators

      Sponsoring Agency-    D R D O    

      Principal Investigator- Ratnamala Chatterjee                              

     Co- Investigators -          Profs. T.C.Goel & R.G.Mendiratta  

     Funds Sanctioned -         Rs. 19,28,000.00 for 3 years w.e.f. 4 Sep. 2001


(13) Title of Project-              Develop.of Ferrites as transformer core materials for SMPS

      Sponsoring Agency-       DST

      Principal Investigator- Ratnamala Chatterjee

      Co-Investigators-             Profs. T.C.Goel & R.G.Mendiratta

      Funds Sanctioned-             Rs. 16,10,000.00 for 3 years up to March 2006


(14) Title of Project-              Development of Catheter-end temperature probe ……

      Sponsoring Agency-       National Programme on Smart Materials (NPSM)

      Principal Investigator- Ratnamala Chatterjee

     Co-Investigators-             Profs. T.C.Goel (Physics), Drs. Sudhir Chandra & G. Bose


     Funds Sanctioned-             Rs. 32,97,900.00 for 2 years w.e.f. Jan.2003



(15) Title of Project-              Magnetism, Frustration and Disorder in Quasicrystals

      Sponsoring Agency-       Department of Science and Technology

      Principal Investigator- Ratnamala Chatterjee

     Co-Investigators-             NONE

     Funds Sanctioned-             Rs. 18, 80,000.00  for 3 years (1996 - 2000)