CYL 110

CYL 110 Information and Tutorials

  1. Course Outline

  2. check this site for the maths article

  3. Tutorial 0: Revision of Concepts

  4. Tutorial 1: Gases and First Law

  5. Tutorial 2: Second Law

  6. Tutorial 3: Equilibrium, Phases

  7. Lecture Thermo 1: Definitions and Ideal Gases(pdf)
    Erratum (pdf)

  8. Lecture Thermo 2: Real Gases, First Law, Isothermal Expansion(pdf)

  9. Lecture Thermo 3: Energy and Enthalpy(pdf)

  10. Lecture Thermo 4: Adiabatic Expansions(pdf)

  11. Lecture Thermo 5: Carnot cycle(pdf)

  12. Lecture Thermo 6: Entropy(pdf)

  13. Lecture Thermo 7: Spontaneity(pdf)

  14. Lecture Thermo 8: Fundamental Equations and Maxwell Relations(pdf)

  15. Lecture Thermo 9: Phases - single component(pdf)

  16. Lecture Thermo 10: Multi-component systems, Liquid-vapor transitions(pdf)

  17. Lecture Thermo 11: Q&A session(pdf)

  18. Lecture Thermo 12: Equilibrium, Le Chatelier's(pdf)

  19. Lecture Kinetic 1: Rate Laws, Steady State Approximation(pdf)

  20. Lecture Kinetic 2: Equilibria, Linedmann-Hinshelwwod mechanism(pdf)