In this course, we will give an introduction to quantum mechanics.
Broadly, this course will cover: introduction to quantum principles, entanglement, quantum mechanical wave function, Born interpretation, basic formalism (Dirac bra-ket formalism), operators and their representation, review of one dimensional examples, one dimensional harmonic oscillator, creation and annihilation operators, angular momentum, spin, symmetries in quantum mechanics, hydrogen atom.
See Lectures for more in-depth breakdown and Suggested books and reference materials for references.
Course prerequisites
- linear algebra
- calculus
- differential equations
Course meeting time and location
- Tue, Thu, and Fri, 11:00 am - 11:50 am in Block II LT1 (106)
- Tutorials: Thu, 4:00 pm - 4:50 pm and Fri, 2:00 pm - 2:50 pm in Block III LT3 (68)
Course instructor
- Sarthak Parikh
- Pronouns: he, him, his
- Office hours: by appointment
Teaching assistant
- Shivam Burman
- Final exam: 40% (closed book/closed notes/closed everything)
- Mid-term exam: 40% (closed book/closed notes/closed everything)
- Presentations: 10% + 10% (two blackboard presentations, open notes. 5 min + 1 min Q&A each. Choose your own problem (and submit problem by email). Any repetition with previous presentations by other students (exact or qualitative) = zero marks. Can assume class material taught thus far, rest must be explained/derived. Order to be announced in 2nd week. Reverse order will be followed post mid-terms for second presentation)
- Final grades decided by grade moderation committee. Threshold for D grade will be 30% overall.
- For auditors, score at least 50% each in finals, mid-terms, and presentations, and have minimum 70% attendance, to score passing grade (NP).
- Ungraded practice problems will be given to be discussed during tutorials.
- Fall 2022 (IITD/PYL555)