Topics in Quantum Error-Correction and Holography


In this course, we will discuss the theory of quantum error-correcting codes and their relevance to one of the most mysterious conjectured dualities in theoretical physics - the Anti-de Sitter/Conformal Field Theory (AdS/CFT) correspondence (also called holography).

Broadly, this course will describe: quantum error-correcting codes based on finite fields, the AdS/CFT correspondence, and the connection between quantum error-correction and toy models of the AdS/CFT correspondence.

More specifically, topics to be covered include: finite dimensional quantum mechanics, density matrices, spectral theorem, Heisenberg group, Stone-von Neumann theorem, von Neumann entropy, entropy inequalities, bulk-boundary correspondence, subregion duality, bulk reconstruction, Ryu-Takayanagi formula, error-correction, tensor networks. If time permits, we’ll discuss stabilizer codes, CRSS algorithm, p-adic AdS/CFT, von Neumann algebras on finite dimensional Hilbert spaces.

Course prerequisites

  • linear algebra
  • abstract algebra
  • introductory quantum mechanics (Ph 12b)
  • elementary knowledge of finite fields (towards the end of the course)
  • No knowledge of quantum field theory or conformal field theory or holography is required

Course meeting time and location

  • Tuesday and Thursday 10:30 - 11:55 am
  • Offered online via Zoom

Course instructor

  • Sarthak Parikh
  • Pronouns: he, him, his
  • Office hours: Online meetings via Zoom by appointment


  • Final presentation (30 minutes): 50%
  • Final write-up: 30%
  • Class participation: 20%


  • Spring 2021 (Caltech/Ma 191b)