Saurabh Saxena

Saurabh Saxena

Assistant Professor

Centre for Automotive Research and Tribology (CART)

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

About Me

I received my Ph.D. degree (2020) in mechanical engineering from the University of Maryland, College Park, USA, and B.Tech. degree (2011) in electrical engineering from the IIT (BHU) Varanasi, India. I am currently working as an assistant professor at the Centre for Automotive Research and Tribology (CART) at IIT Delhi, India. Previous to this position, I worked as a battery algorithm engineer at Apple Inc. Cupertino, USA and as a postdoctoral researcher at the Applied Materials Division at Argonne National Laboratory, USA. I have been involved in various battery and machine learning research projects for the last 10 years and have published more than 20 research articles. Please see my Google Scholar page for a detailed list of publications.

Research Areas

Electrochemical Energy Storage, Lithium-ion Batteries, Battery Management System, Machine Learning for Prognostics and Health Management, Accelerated Degradation Testing, Physics of Failure

Research Positions

I am looking for motivated master's and PhD students to join my group and work in the promising areas of battery management system (BMS) development, lithium-ion battery degradation analysis, battery modelling, and machine learning enabled battery health management. Please send me a short email attaching your CV with a subject line of "Battery Research Positions at CART" if you are interested in working with me.


CTL707: Batteries for Electric Vehicles: Multidisciplinary Perspectives
CTL729: Automotive Reliability and Life Testing