
  1. Goswami V, Das SM, Deep S* (2024), "Quercetin-Loaded Nanocarriers as Effective Inhibitors for Copper Metal Ion-Induced γD-Crystallin Aggregation", Langmuir, 40, 16093-16102

  2. Sharma S, Deep S* (2024), "Inhibition of Fibril Formation by Polyphenols: Molecular Mechanisms, Challenges, and Prospective Solutions", Chem Comm, 60, 6717-6727 (Highighted on the back cover of Chem Comm)

  3. Goswami V, Tomar VR, Yashika, Deep S* (2024), "Nanocarriers for the Delivery of Quercetin to Inhibit the UV-Induced Aggregation of γD-Crystallin", Langmuir, 40, 5617-5631 (Highlighted on the front cover of Langmuir)

  4. Daksh S, Gond C, Kumar N, Kaur L, Ojha H, Deep S* , Datta A (2024), "Binding Studies of Potential Amyloid-β Inhibiting Chalcone Derivative with Bovine Serum Albumin", Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc, 305, 12336

  5. Srivastava S, Sharma S, Deep S , Khare SK* (2023), " Screening of Multitarget Directed Natural Compounds as Drug Candidates for Alzheimer’s Disease using In Silico Techniques: Their Extraction and In Vitro Validation", ACS Omega 41, 38118–38129

  6. Santhanam V, Modi P, Mishra U, Jahan I, Ramesh NG , Deep S* (2023), "Rational Design and Synthesis of Novel Triazole- and Tetrazole-fused Iminosugars as Potential Inhibitors of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Linked SOD1 Aggregation", Int J Biol Macromol,253, 126900

  7. Jahan I, Ahmad A, Deep S* (2023), "Effect of flavonoids on the destabilization of α-Synuclein fibrils and their conversion to amorphous aggregate: A molecular dynamics simulation and experimental study", Biochim Biophys Acta, 1871, 140951

  8. Sharma S, Tomar VR, Deep S* (2023), "Mechanism of the interaction of toxic SOD1 fibril with two potent polyphenols: Curcumin and Quercetin", Phys Chem Chem Phys, 25, 23081 - 23091

  9. Sharma S, Tomar VR, Deep S* (2023), "Myricetin: A Potent Anti-Amyloidogenic Polyphenol against Superoxide Dismutase 1 Aggregation", ACS Chem Neurosci, 14, 2461–2475

  10. Awadhesh K Verma, Sharma S, Jayaraj A, Deep S* (2023), "In silico study of interaction of (ZnO)12 nanocluster to glucose oxidase-FAD in absence and presence of glucose", J Biomol Strust Dyn , 41, 15234-15242

  11. Sharma S, Tomar VR, Jayaraj A, Deep S* (2023), "A Computational Strategy for the Therapeutic Development Against Superoxide Dismutase (SOD1) Amyloid Formation: Effect of Polyphenols on the various events in the aggregation pathway", Phys Chem Chem Phys , 25, 6232-6246

  12. Dawn A, Goswami V, Sapra S, Deep S* (2023), "Nano-formulation of antioxidants as effective inhibitors of γ-D crystallin aggregation", Langmuir, 39, 1330–1344

  13. Bhatia NK, Tomar VR, Ishika, Kishor S, Deep S* (2022), "Effect of pH and Temperature on physicochemical properties, aggregation behaviour and degradation kinetics of quercetin and baicalein in nearly aqueous media", J Mol Liq, 366, 120236

  14. Daksh S, Kaul A, Deep S* , Datta A* (2022), "Current advancement in the development of manganese complexes as magnetic resonance imaging probes", J Inorg Biochemistry, 237, 112018

  15. Patwa N, Deep S* (2022), "Role of molecular and chemical chaperon in assisting refolding of BMP2 in E.Coli", Int J Biol Macromol, 220, 204-210

  16. Kumari M, Sharma S, Deep S* (2022), "Tetrabutylammonium based ionic liquids (ILs) inhibit the amyloid aggregation of superoxide dismutase 1(SOD1)", J Mol Liq, 353, 118761

  17. Sharma S, Modi P, Sharma G, Deep S* (2021), "Kinetics theories to understand the mechanism of aggregation of a protein and to design strategies for its inhibition", Biophys Chem, 278, 106665

  18. Katyal N, Sharma S, Deep S* (2021), "Delving into controversial dichotomy of direct and indirect mechanisms of Trehalose: In search of unanimous consensus", J Mol Liq, 338, 116656

  19. Nikunj R, Nayeem SM , Gupta S, Mullick R, Pandita E, Das S,Deep S, Sau A*K (2021), "Stimulation of GMP formation in hGBP1 is mediated by W79 and its effect on the antiviral activity", Febs J, 288, 2970–2988

  20. Dawn A, Deep S* (2021), "An Improved strategy of TGFβ3 Expression in Escherichia coli: exploiting the folding modulators for a switch from misfolded to folded form", Int J Biol Macromol, 167, 787-795

  21. Dawn A, Khatri KS, Karmakar S, Deep S* (2020), "Interaction of TGFβ3 ligand with its receptors type II (TβRII) and type I (TβRI): A unique mechanism of protein-protein association", Biochim Biophys Acta 1868, 140485

  22. Sharma S, Deep S* (2020), "In-Silico Drug Repurposing for Targeting SARS-CoV-2 Mpro", J Biomol Strust Dyn, DOI: 10.1080/07391102.2020.1844058

  23. Bhatia NK, Modi P, Sharma S, Deep S* (2020), "Quercetin and baicalein act as a potent anti-amyloidogenic and fibril destabilizing agents for SOD1 fibrils", ACS Chem Neurosci, 11, 1129-1138

  24. Zaidi F, Deep S* (2020), "Scutellarin Inhibits the Uninduced and Metal-Induced Aggregation of ɑ-Synuclein and Disaggregates Preformed Fibrils: Implications for Parkinson's disease", Biochem J, 477, 645-670

  25. Dawn A, Deep S* (2020), "Thinking beyond tradition: Polyphenols as effective refolding modulators", Int J Biol Macromol, 148, 969-978

  26. Gupta P, Mahlawat P, Deep S* (2020), "Effect of disease-linked mutations on the structure, function, stability, and aggregation of human carbonic anhydrase II", Int J Biol Macromol,, 143, 472-482

  27. Katyal N, Deep S* (2019), Computational approach to get insights into multiple faces of additives in modulation of protein aggregation pathway", Phys Chem Chem Phys, 21, 24269-24285

  28. Chatterjee B, Jayaraj A, Blagg B, Kumar V, Davis R, Jayaram B, Deep S* , Chaudhuri T (2019), " Stimulation of Heat Shock Protein 90 chaperone function through binding of a Novobiocin analogue KU-32", J Biol Chem., 294, 6450-6467

  29. Khan MAI, Weininger U, Kjellström S, Deep S , Akke M* (2019), "Adsorption of unfolded Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase onto hydrophobic surfaces catalyzes its formation of amyloid fibril", Protein Engineering, Design and Selection, 1-9

  30. Saha S, Khan MAI, Mudhara D, Deep S* (2018), " Tuning the Balance between Fibrillation and Oligomerization of α-Synuclein in the Presence of Dopamine", ACS Omega, 3, 14213–14224

  31. Katyal N, Agarwal M, Sen R, Kumar V, Deep S* (2018), " Paradoxical Effect of Trehalose on the Aggregation of α-Synuclein:Expedites Onset of Aggregation yet Reduces Fibril Load ", ACS Chem NeuroSci, 9, 1477–1491

  32. Mittal M, Gautam S, Chowdhury PK, Deep S , Sapra S*(2018) " Role of Tryptophan in Protein – Nanocrystals Interaction: Energy or Charge Transfer ", Z. Phys. Chem., 233, 41-54

  33. Katyal N, Deep S* (2017), " Inhibition of GNNQQNY prion peptide aggregation by trehalose: a mechanistic view ", Phys Chem Chem Phys, 119, 19120-19138

  34. Nayeem SM, Oteri F, Baaden M, Deep S* (2017), " Residues of Alpha Helix H3 Determine Distinctive Features of Transforming Growth Factor β3 ", J Phys Chem, 121, 5483-5498

  35. Khan MAI, Respondek M, Kjellstrom S, Deep S , Linse S, Akke M*(2017), " Cu/Zn Superoxide Dismutase Forms Amyloid Fibrils Under Near-Physiological Quiescent Conditions: the Roles of Disulfide Bonds and Effects of Denaturant ", ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 8, 2019–2026

  36. Faridi MH et al (2017), " CD11b activation suppresses TLR-dependent inflammation and autoimmunity in systemic lupus erythematosus ", J Clin Invest, 127, 1271-1283

  37. Bhatia NK, Kishor S, Katyal N, Gogoi P, Narang P, Deep S* (2016), " Effect of pH and temperature on conformational equilibria and aggregation behaviour of curcumin in aqueous binary mixtures of ethanol ", RSC Advances, 6, 103275-103288

  38. Saha S, Shekhawat R.,Deep S* (2016), " Modulations in the self-assembly of bovine serum albumin by enhanced depolymerisation and condensation induced upon stirring ", RSC Advances, 6, 92349-92359

  39. Saha S, Deep S* (2016), " Glycerol Inhibits the Primary Pathways and Transforms the Secondary Pathway of Insulin Aggregation ", Phys Chem Chem Phys, 18, 18934-18948

  40. Saha S, Sharma A, Deep S* (2016), " Differential influence of the additives on the various stages of insulin aggregation ", RSC Advances, 6, 28640-28652

  41. Gupta P, Deep S* (2015), " Salt mediated unusual switching in the aggregation kinetic profile of Human Carbonic Anhydrase", RSC Advances, 5, 95717-95726

  42. Bhatia NK, Srivastava A, Katyal N, Jain N, Khan MAI, Kundu B Deep S*(2015), " Curcumin binds to the pre-fibrillar aggregates of Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD1) and alters amyloidogenic pathway resulting in reduced cytotoxicity", Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1854, 426-436

  43. Saini K, Khan MAI, Chakrapani S, Deep S* (2015), " Transforming Growth Factor Receptor Type II (ec-TβR II) behaves as a halophile", Int J Biol Macromol, 72, 1104-1110

  44. Katyal N, Deep S* (2014), " Revisiting the conundrum of Trehalose stabilization ", Phys Chem Chem Phys, 16, 26746-26761

  45. Saha S, Deep S* (2014), " Switch in the Aggregation Pathway of Bovine Serum Albumin Mediated by Electrostatic Interactions" , J Phys Chem B, 118,9155–9166

  46. Gupta P, Deep S* (2014), " Intermediate conformation between native β-sheet to non-native α-helix is a precursor of Trifluoroethanol-induced aggregation of Human Carbonic Anhydrase-II", Biochim Biophys Res commun, 449, 126-131

  47. Nayeem SM, Deep S* (2014), " pH modulates the TGF-ß ligands binding to the receptors: A computational analysis", J Mol Recogn, 27, 471-481

  48. Saha S, Deep S* (2014), " Protein Aggregation: Elucidation of the Mechanism and Determination of Associated Thermodynamic and Kinetic Parameters" , Curr Phys Chem, 4, 114-136

  49. Celik E, Faridi MH, Kumar V, Deep S, Moy VT, and Gupta V*(2013), " Agonist Leukadherin-1 Increases CD11b/CD18-Dependent Adhesion Via Membrane Tethers", Biophysical Journal, 105(11), 2517-2527

  50. Srivastava A, Meena SK, Alam A, Nayeem SM, Deep S, Sau AK* (2013), “Structural and functional insights into the regulation of Helicobacter pylori arginase activity by an evolutionary non-conserved motif” , Biochemistry, 52, 508-519

  51. Bhatia NK, Deep S* (2013), “ Diagnostic tools for structural characterization and elucidation of fibrils and their precursors in amyloid fibril formation pathway” , J Prot Proteom, 4(2), 149-164

  52. Rani A, Pandita E, Rahman S, Deep S* , Sau AK* (2012), “Insight into Temperature Dependence of GTPase Activity in Human Guanylate Binding Protein-1” , PLoS ONE, , 7(7): e40487. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0040487

  53. Ahluwalia U, Deep S* (2012), “Interaction of ATP with acid-denatured cytochrome c via coupled folding-binding mechanism ”, J Chem Thermodyn, , 52, 69-77

  54. Saini K, Deep S* (2012). “Use of quencher to decode three-state nature of unfolding of proteins from fluorescence intensity-temperature profiles”. Thermochimica Acta, , 549, 1-2 >

  55. Sharma N, Kumar R, Sinha AK, Reddy PB, Nayeem SM, Deep S* (2012), “Anthraquinone derivative based natural dye from Rheum emody as a probe for thermal stability of proteins: Spectroscopic and chromatographic studies”, J Pharm Biomed Anal 62, 96-104

  56. Ahluwalia U, Katyal N, Deep S* (2012), “ Models of protein folding” , J Prot Proteom, 3(2), 85-93

  57. Ahluwalia U, Prakash C, Agrawal R, Deep S* (2011), “Characterization of cytochrome c folding intermediates induced by sucrose and phosphate”, Int J Biol Macromol, , 49, 752-760.

  58. Ahluwalia U, Nayeem SM, Deep S* (2011), “The non-native conformations of cytochrome c in sodium dodecyl sulfate and their modulation by ATP”, Eur Biophys J, , 40, 259-271.

  59. Nayeem SM, Deep S* (2010), “Rationalization of poor solubility of TGF-b3 using MD simulation”. Biochim Biophys Res commun,, 401, 544-547.

  60. Saini K, Deep S* (2010). “Relationship between the wavelength maximum of a protein and the temperature dependence of its intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence intensity”. Eur Biophys J,, 39, 1445-51.

  61. Sharma, A, Pasha JM and Deep S* (2010) Effect of the sugar and polyol additives on the aggregation kinetics of BSA in the presence of N-cetyl-N,N,N-trimethyl ammonium bromide”, J colloid interface Sci, , 350, 240-248.

  62. Ghosh S*, Kaushik DK, Gomes J, Nayeem S, Deep S, Basu A(2010). "Changes in cytosolic Ca2+ levels correspond to fluctuations of lactate levels in crosstalk of astrocyte-neuron cell lines", Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 48, 529-537

  63. Saini K, Ahluwalia A, Deep S* (2010). “Determination of heat capacity of unfolding for marginally stable proteins from a single temperature induced protein unfolding profile”. Thermochim Acta, , 506, 28-33.

  64. Sharma A, Agarwal PK, Deep S* (2010). “Characterization of different conformations of bovine serum albumin and their propensity to aggregate in the presence of N-cetyl-N,N,N-trimethyl ammonium bromide”. J colloid interface Sci, , 343(2),454-462.

  65. Im SC, Zuiderweg ER, Waskell L (2005). “Characterization and calculation of a cytochrome c-cytochrome b5 complex using NMR data”. Biochemistry, , 44(31), 10654-68.

  66. Ilangovan U., Deep S , Hinck CS, Hinck AP (2004). “Sequential assignments of the extracellular domain of the Human TGF-b type II receptor in complex with monomeric TGF-b3” . J Biomolecular NMR, 29(1), 103-4.

  67. Deep S, Walker KP III, Shu Z, Hinck AP (2003). “Solution structure and backbone dynamics of the human TGF-b type II receptor ectodomain”.Biochemistry, , 42(34), 10126-39.

  68. Deep S, Ahluwalia JC (2003).“Theoretical studies on solvation contribution to the thermodynamic stability of mutants of lysozyme T4”. Protein Eng, ,16(6): 415-22.

  69. Hart PJ, Deep S , Taylor AB, Shu Z, Hinck CS, Hinck AP (2002). “Crystal structure of the human TbR2 ectodomain-TGF-b3 complex”. Nat Struct Biol, 9, 203-208.

  70. Pakhomova A, Deep S, Huang Q, Zwieb C, Hinck AP (2002). “Solution structure of protein SRP19 of A. fulgidus signal recognition particle”. J Mol Biol, , 317, 145-158.

  71. Deep S , Ahluwalia JC (2002).“Heat capacity of folding of proteins corrected for disulfide crosslinks”. Biophys Chem,, 97,73-77.

  72. Hinck AP, Walker KP III, Martin NR, Deep S, Hinck CS, Freedberg DI(2000) "Sequential resonance assignments of the extracellular ligand binding domain of the human TGF-b type II receptor." J Biomolecular NMR, 18, 369-370.

  73. Deep S , Ahluwalia JC (2001).“Interaction of Bovine Serum Albumin with Anionic Surfactants”. Phys Chem Chem Phys,, 3, 4583-4591.

  74. Nath S, Satpathy GR, Mantri R, Deep S, Ahluwalia JC (1998). “Thermal stability of alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme determined by activity assay and calorimetry”. Thermochim Acta,, 309 (1-2), 193-196

  75. Nath S, Satpathy GR, Mantri R, Deep S, Ahluwalia JC (1997) “Evaluation of enzyme thermostability by enzyme assay and differential scanning calorimetry .A study of alcohol dehydrogenase.” J Chem Soc,Faraday Trans.,18, 3351-3354