Making a case for minimal, fast loading home pages

Minimal as a philosophy.
Minimal as a statement.
Minimal as an optimzer.

Minimal as a philosophy

Take a walk in the woods, open mountains, or sea beaches, or busy urban roads and judge what is important, what is it that we need to know, what do we need to do, what is required. Can we try at the least, to deliberate what is the minimum information to say on a homepage? Everyone's attention and time is limited. So, help in reducing the information presentation load that is a growing burden. Think of a person at an obscure place with very slow Internet access but who wants to read your information. How about going back in time when hyperlinks were all the Internet (text information) was supposed to host without jazzy loading effects?

Minimal as a statement

Design has changed. Sometimes it is attributed to "nordic" cultures, but if one sees other older cultures like that of India, many thought leaders and sages adopted the minimal to make a statement. Be it in architecture or interior decoration; a lot of "modern" is "minimal" but a lot of "ancient" is also "minimal". Make a bold statement and live up to it by being minimal. With the advent of broad comunication channels and cheap Internet services, webpages have become heavier over the days. One exception is Google which kept its design as a statement. Others followed. Be a leader.

Minimal as an optimzer

Just because one has a 200MBPS line does not mean we must create webpages over MB. Having a fast loading page serves many functional benefits and is also rewarded by major search engines. Typically, work in behavioral science and user experience has shown, the best case is a load time below 1 second (maybe 2-3 seconds). Now, this depends on network speed. However, let us remember that people are accessing from multiple device with varied bandwidth requirements. It saves you, the browser, the Internet, and the world some significant energy and time (including lesser http round-about tokens and requests - that eventually reduce carbon footprints of a data packet). Use a simple web development tool Pagespeed insight by Google to check how good your site is doing and think of going minimal, as much as you want or can.

Views expressed are personal and does not promote any site or concept

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