Ongoing Research Projects

1.  Mechanochemical Modeling of Bacterial Growth (Collaborator Sean X. Sun, JHU)
       We are studying E. Coli type gram negative bacterial growth from dynamical system analysis motivated from mechanochemical framework.
      E. Coli type bacterial show a fascinatingly robust cylindrical structure. While growing in the longitudinal direction, the growth in the radial direction
      is allmost constant. This simple observation in microbiology is still unexplained-our model is an attempt to provide a mathematical explanation to
      this observation.

2. Biomechanics of Cancer Cell: We study mechanical phenotype changes dues to changes in invasiveness in cancer cell. For these, we use  

various tool sets like, Atomic Force Microscopy, Micropipette Aspiration and Traction Force Microscopy.  We  combine  nanomechanical  probing  techniques

with, optical imaging and mechanochemical computational modeling approach to understand biomechanics of cancer metastasis.                                                                                           

 3. Mechanics of Brain in  Computer aided Neurosurgery.
4. Modeling and Analysis of Microelectromechanical Cantilever sensor and actuator.