
                Research areas for prospective PhD Students
                          1.  Topics available:  Experimental and Theoretical  Cell Mechanics.
                          2.  Electroavtive Polymer in Drug Delivery.
                          3.  Soft sensor/actuator and its application in biomedical science.
                          4.  Characterization of Mechanical Porperties of Soft Material through Image Based Methodologies. (MRE, ORE etc)

                 MTech Students

                        1.  Ganesh Chandrakant Bagal                 Topic:  Studies in Cell Mechanics               (Jointly with Dr. S. Ghosh, Textile Engg, IITD)
                        2.  Shashank Dnyandeo Dhawade           Topic:  Experimental Investigation of Nanoindention technique in Soft Material.       
                        3.  Sandeep Govind Desai                         Topic:  Theoretical & Experimental Studies on  Shear Mode Actuators.
                        4.  Mahavir Singh                                        Topic:  SHPB based Impact testing on Soft Material.