International Journal Publications
A. Mishra, and S. Santapuri. Finite deformation modeling of wrinkling in thin magnetoelastic sheets. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids (2024): 10812865241247562.
Y.S. Joshan and S. Santapuri, Finite Element Modeling and Analysis of Flexoelectric Plates using Gradient Electromechanical Theory, Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics (2023), 1-31.
A. Mishra, Y.S. Joshan, S.K. Wahi, S. Santapuri, Structural Instabilities in Soft Electro-Magneto-Elastic Cylindrical Membranes, International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics , 151 (2023): 104368.
Y.S. Joshan and S. Santapuri, A Gradient Electromechanical Theory for Thin Dielectric Curved Beams Considering Direct and Converse Flexoelectric Effects, Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 73, 178 (2022).
R. Sambhav, S. Jena, A. Chatterjee, S. Roy, S. Bhasin, S. Santapuri, L. Kumar, S.P. Muthukrishnan, An Integrated Dynamic Closed Loop Simulation Platform for Elbow Flexion Augmentation using an Upper Limb Exosuit model, Frontiers in Robotics and AI, (2022):768841.
A. Muzaffar, S. Santapuri, R. Prasad and S. Neelakantan, An Experimental and Analytical Investigation on the Deformation of Inclined Metallic Fibres for Optimized Design of Fibrous Porous Materials, Experimental Mechanics, 62, no. 3 (2022): 427-439.
Y.S. Joshan, S. Santapuri, and A. Srinivasa, Finite Element Modeling and Analysis of Low Symmetry Piezoelectric Shells for Design of Shear Sensors, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, (2021): 106726.
M.N. Ali, S.K. Wahi, and S. Santapuri, Modeling and Analysis of a Magnetoelastic Annular Membrane Placed in an Azimuthal Magnetic Field, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, (2021):1081286521997511.
D. Kumar, S. Ghosh, S. Roy, and S. Santapuri, Modeling and Analysis of an Electro-Pneumatic Braided Muscle Actuator, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 32.4 (2021):399-409.
D. Barreto, A. Kumar, and S. Santapuri, Extension-Torsion-Inflation Coupling in Compressible Magnetoelastomeric Thin Tubes with Helical Magnetic Anisotropy, Journal of Elasticity, 140 (2020), 273-302.
M. Kumari, S. Agarwal, S.Santapuri, and R. Chatterjee, Large Negative Magnetoelectric Coupling in Fe Substituted Ferroelectric Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3: An Experimental Study Supported by Landau-Devonshire Free-Energy Model Based Calculations,
Journal of Applied Physics, 127, 094101 (2020).
Y.S. Joshan, S. Santapuri, and N. Grover, Analysis of Laminated Piezoelectric Composite Plates using an Inverse Hyperbolic Coupled Plate Theory,
Applied Mathematical Modeling, 82 (2020): 359–378.
S.K. Wahi, M. Kumar, S. Santapuri, and M.J. Dapino, Computationally Efficient Locally Linearized Constitutive Model for Magnetostrictive Materials,
Journal of Applied Physics, 125, 215108 (2019).
H. Tari, S. Santapuri, and M.J. Dapino, Efficient and Robust Nonlinear Model for Smart Materials with Application to Composite Magnetostrictive Plates,
Smart Materials and Structures, 26, no. 4 (2017): 045010.
S. Santapuri, Thermodynamic Restrictions on Linear Reversible and Irreversible Thermo-Electro-Magneto-Mechanical Processes,
Heliyon, 2 (2016): e00164. (link)
S. Santapuri, J. Scheidler, and M.J. Dapino, Two-Dimensional Dynamic Model for Composite Laminates with Embedded Magnetostrictive Materials,
Composite Structures, 32 (2015): 737-745. (link)
S. Santapuri and S.E. Bechtel, Nondimensional Characterization and Asymptotic Model Development for Multifunctional Structures with Application to Load-Bearing Antennas,
Smart Materials and Structures, 23, no.5 (2014): 055013. (link)
S. Santapuri*, R.L. Lowe*, S.E. Bechtel, M.J. Dapino, Thermodynamic Modeling of Fully Coupled Finite-Deformation Thermo-Electro-Magneto-Mechanical Behavior for Multifunctional Applications,
International Journal of Engineering Sciences, 72 (2013): 117-139. (*Co-first authors).(link)
S.K. Wahi, S. Santapuri, Design of an Efficient Magnetostrictive Material Based Vibration Energy Harvester with a Modified Flux Path, Indian Patent Appl no.202211035693, filed June 22, 2022.
Manuscripts Under Review
A. Yadav, N. Kumar, S. Surana, A. Ramasamy, A Rudra Pal, S. Santapuri, L. Kumar, S. P. Muthukrishnan, S. Bhasin and S. Roy, Modeling and parametric optimization of 3D tendon-sheath actuator system for upper limb soft exosuit. arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.17427 (2023) (
S.K. Wahi, D. Gupta and S. Santapuri, Design and Analysis of a Magnetostrictive Material-based Vibration Energy Harvester with a Modified Flux Path, Under Review.
K. Nitish and S. Santapuri, Analysis and Design of Architected Fiber Reinforced Piezoelectric Composites for Energy Harvesting, Under review.
Book Chapter
Santapuri S., Steigmann D.J., Toward a Nonlinear Asymptotic Model for Thin Magnetoelastic Plates. In: Altenbach H., Pouget J., Rousseau M., Collet B., Michelitsch T. (eds)
Generalized Models and Non-classical Approaches in Complex Materials 1.,
Advanced Structured Materials, vol 89. Springer, Cham, 2018. (Special volume dedicated to the memory of Gerard Maugin)
S. Santapuri, R.L. Lowe, S.E. Bechtel, Chapter 9 Modeling of Thermo-Electro-Magneto-Mechanical Behavior, with Application to Smart Materials. In S.E. Bechtel and R.L. Lowe,
Fundamentals of Continuum Modeling, with Applications to Mechanical, Thermomechanical, and Smart Materials, Academic Press, 2014.
Conference Proceedings
M. Kumar, S.K. Wahi and S. Santapuri, Modeling and Analysis of Magnetostrictive Material based Transducer Devices, Proceedings of COMSOL Conference, 9-10 August, 2018, Bangalore, India.
R.L. Lowe, S. Santapuri, S.E. Bechtel, M.J. Dapino, Free Energies and State Equations for Characterizing Nonlinear Thermo-Electro-Magneto-Elastic Behavior, PACAM XIII 2013.
S. Santapuri. and S.E. Bechtel, A Two-Dimensional Theory of Coupled Electro-Magneto-Mechanical Plates as an Application to Load-Bearing Antenna Structures,
Proceedings of the 18th SPIE International Symposium, Vol. 7978, 6-10 March 2011, San Diego, CA, USA.
S. Santapuri. and S.E. Bechtel, Model-Based Optimization of Coupled Electro-Magneto-Thermo-Mechanical Behavior of Load-Bearing Antennas,
Proceedings of ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (refereed), 12-18 November 2010, Vancouver, BC, Canada.