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Welcome to the homepage of Dr. Swades De. He received his PhD degree in  Electrical Engineering from the State University of New York at Buffalo, NY, in February 2004. Prior to that, he received his M.Tech in Optoelectronics and Optical Communication from Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, in 1998, and BTech in Radiophysics and Electronics from University of Calcutta, in 1993.

From 1993 to 1997 and during the first half of 1999, he worked in different telecommunication companies in India as a research and development engineer. During the first half of 2004 he worked with the wireless networks group at  ISTI-CNR, in Pisa, Italy, through a European research fellowship. From Fall 2004 to Fall 2006 he was with the New Jersey Institute of Technology as an Assistant Professor of  Electrical and Computer Engineering. He has been affiliated with the Department of Electrical Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi since January 2007.

Dr. De supervises the Communication Networks Research Group (IITD-CNRG) at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. His research interests are broadly in communication networks with emphasis on performance modeling and analysis.

Research Assistantship and Post-doc RA Openings

  • We are looking to recruit motivated doctoral and masters research students and post-doctoral researchers to work in the areas of Next-generation wireless communications. Specific areas of current interest are: spectrum sharing and in-band coexistence, IoT communications, and energy harvesting communications.
  • The candidates are expected to have degrees in Communication Engineering/ Computer Engineering/ Electrical Engineering/ Applied Mathematics or allied areas with strong mathematical background. Interest/capability of working on hardware systems (implementation/experimentation using SDR/USRP kits and embedded hardware systems) will be added advantage.
  • If you are interested in working with Dr. De, you are encouraged to contact him over email with detailed resume - including course-wise grades/marks, research background, and publications (if any).

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