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Professor Gazala Habib is an expert in Air Pollution Monitoring, Characterization of Aerosol and their Impact on Health. Dr. Habib has joined IIT Delhi in 2008 as Assistant Professor. Now she is serving the institute as Associate Professor since August 2018. She is teaching courses both graduate and under graduate related to Civil and Environmental Engineering. Her research interests include Air Pollution, Aerosol Source Profile Development, Source Apportionment, and Health Issues. She has established an advanced Aerosol Research and Characterization Laboratory (ARC Lab).

She is a Project Incharge (PI) and coordinator of an Emissions Inventory Building Activity under the National Carbonaceous Aerosols Programme of the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEFCC), India. In addition to several R&D grants from DST/SERB, UPPCB, and other agencies, Dr. Habib has secured a substantial grant from MoEFCC, SERB and UPPCB at IIT Delhi. The project funded by SERB and MoEFCC has allowed her to establish a world-class research laboratory and a research group (including 2 post-doctorate, 5 PhDs, 3 Research Assistants) leading nationally and internationally in the field of Aerosol Characterization and Exposure Assessment. Her publication in high impact journals has received over 300 citations.

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