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   Projects of the Simulation & Control Group (A. Chawla & S. Mukherjee)

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Tensile Testing of Ligaments

In a significant number of automobile crashes involving pedestrians, the knee ligament which controls the stability of the knee often get severely loaded. In lateral impact on knee during automotive crashes, varus-valgus deformities result in failure of ligament by avulsion or rupture. Varus-valgus deformity strains occur mainly in the middle region of ligament and it is known that properties vary in the different regions of the ligament. Experimental measurement of tensile-load elongation behavior of bovine middle region medial collateral ligament properties between strain rate 0.0001/s to 161/s are reported here. The results shows a linear stress-strain response at lower strain rate whereas it is nonlinear and strain rate sensitive in dynamic loading conditions. The objective of this study is to establish a methodology to identify the quasi-static and dynamic properties of ligaments.


Quasi-static tensile test set-up     (Warhatkar H N et al., 2009)


Dynamic tensile test set-up      (Warhatkar H N et al., 2009)


People Involved:


  1. Dr. A. Chawla
  2. Dr. S. Mukherjee

Students and Staff:

  1. Hemant Warhatkar

List of Sponsored Projects:


Related Publication:

1.      Warhatkar HN, Mukherjee S, Chawla A, Malhotra A, Experimental study of variation between Quasi-static and dynamic load deformation properties of medial collateral knee ligaments, accepted for SAE World Congress 2009.



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