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   Projects of the Simulation & Control Group (A. Chawla & S. Mukherjee)

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Design & Analysis of Door Clips


In this work a door clip has been analyzed to estimate the stresses reached when the door clip is in use. The design of the door clip has been an input for the analysis.  Accidental closure of the door can be dangerous, specially for children. In normal use the door clip is placed on the door so that when the door closes suddenly, it does not permit full closure of the door there by acting as a safety device for children. IN this work, a finite element model of the door clip has been developed. The same has then been assembled along with the door and the door frame so as to simulate the closing of the door. The stresses have then been estimated. In order to realistically estimate the stresses in the door clip, typical door size and weight has been chosen. The door size has been taken to be about 3 ft X 6 ft X 1" and the weight has been taken to vary between 35 and 45 kgs.

A door clip mesh used in analysis.


The static model of the clip with one set of BCs and loading conditions.

A close up of the door / clip / stopper orientation in the dynamic simulations.


People Involved:


  1. Dr. A. Chawla
  2. Dr. S. Mukherjee

Students and Staff:

List of Sponsored Projects:
  1. Development of door clip


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