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   Projects of the Simulation & Control Group (A. Chawla & S. Mukherjee)

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Determination of Mechanical Properties of Soft Tissues Using PHANTOMTM Device

The PHANTOMTM is a haptic device which is can be programmed to produce a predefined force. In this project the PHANTOMTM  was programmed to produce a force that is gradually increased over a period of time. This  force is applied on various material and the the corresponding deformation in the material is measured. This information is then used to calculate the mechanical properties of the material.

Highlights of the work:

In indentation test some areas get compressed and some areas get shared. Fresh goat tissue specimen was taken of irregular shape. As per measured co-ordinates Pro\E model prepared. Then quasi-static test carried out with help of haptic device. Same time simulation also run on ANSYS & found good agreement with experimental results. Young modulus comes out to be 4.8KPa which close approximation.


Solid model of the goat meat created in Pro\E (put on platform)          (Chawla A et al., 2007)


 Meshed model of the goat meat created in Pro/E (put on platform)      (Chawla A et al., 2007)


People Involved:


  1. Dr. A. Chawla
  2. Dr. S. Mukherjee

Students & Staff:

List of Sponsored Projects:



Related Publication:
  1. Modelling of body parts consisting of bones as well as soft tisse: An experimental and finite element study, S. Mukherjee*, A. Chawla, D. Mohan and M. Metri, Proceedings of IRCOBI 2003.



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