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   Projects of the Simulation & Control Group (A. Chawla & S. Mukherjee)



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Car Motor Cycle Impact

Project Title:

Modeling of car-motor cycle crashes


Start of Project:                                                                                             End of Project:

Funding Agency:

Japan Automobile Research Institute.


  1. Dr A. Chawla

  2. Dr S. Mukherjee

  3. Dr P. Mahajan

  4. Prof D. Mohan

Other Collaborating Agencies:


Project Objective:

Car-Motorcycle crash testing has been of increasing interest in recent years. This paper discusses finite element modeling of car – motor cycle crash. Simulations were conducted at different orientations according to the car-motorcycle test standards ISO 13232. Our aim was to understand the kinematics and dynamics of the car-motorcycle and the motorcycle rider and to understand the role of the motorcycle in crash. In the current phase simulations of four side-impact configurations have been carried out. The project aims at validating these simulations with experimental data.


The diversity of impact configurations observed in motorcycle-vehicle collisions and the complexity of the motorcycle rider’s behavior in collisions make it extremely difficult to evaluate the protection of the rider.  It is necessary to apply computer simulation techniques to provide an efficient and analytical approach to the research of rider protection.  This paper describes the development of a motorcycle model for the analysis of a wall crash using Pam-crash.  The calculated results demonstrate a good agreement with the experimental data regarding the force-time curve and the kinematics of the motorcycle.


Highlights of the work:

The seven configuration used for validation as per ISO13232  (A Chawla et al.,2007)

The MC model before and during MC-wall simulation and comparison with experimental snapshot

Motorcycle computer simulation model      Behavior of motorcycle in  computer      Behavior of motorcycle in

   (A Chawla et al., 2001)                          simulation results of wall crash tests    experimental results of wall crash tests 

                                                                    (A Chawla et al., 2001)                        (A Chawla et al., 2001) 

Comparison of wall forces for  MC-Wall crash simulation and experiment .

Force-time curves measured on a wall (A Chawla et al., 2001)

This is a snapshot of a helmet windscreen simulation used to validate the windscreen model (A Chawla et al.,2007)



Comparison of kinematics of FST and the simulation (frontal oblique impact)   (A. Chawla et al.,2003)


Some published conclusions of the study are


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