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   Projects of the Simulation & Control Group (A. Chawla & S. Mukherjee)



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Human body Tissue Testing

Project Title:

Measuring Impact properties of human body parts


Start of Project:                                                                                             End of Project:


Funding Agency:



  1. Dr A. Chawla

  2. Dr S. Mukherjee

  3. Prof D. Mohan

  4. Dr M. Verghese (St. Stephens Hospital)

Other Collaborating Agencies:

Project Objective:

The main objective of the current proposal is to generate data about the dynamic properties of the human body tissues. This data would include mechanical properties under impact conditions and their variations with strain rate and the energy of the impact. The specific tissues that will be targeted in this study are the tissues of the limbs.


In brief the problem at hand can be summarized as follows:

  1. To design and develop testing rigs to measure impact properties of human body tissues.

  2. To collect human body samples after amputations at the St Stpehen’s Hospital and test these samples to obtain critical dynamic data of human body tissues.

Highlights of the work:

The main activities proposed in this area can be summarized as follows:

A1. Design and development of testing rigs:

A2. Testing of initial samples of rubber / foam:

A3. Collection, preservation and testing of samples.

A4. Development of computer simulations:


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