• At IIT Delhi
      PG Courses
    • ELL738: Micro and Nano Photonics
    • ELL730: IC Technology and Fabrication
    • ELL726: Nano Photonics and Plasmonics

    • UG Courses
    • ELL212: Engineering Electromagnetics
    • ELL201: Digital Electronics
    • ELL100: Introduction to Electrical Engineering

    • Lab Courses and Seminars
    • ELP212: Engineering Electromagnetics Laboratory
    • ELP201: Digital Electronics Lab
    • ELL304 Lab: Analog Electronics Lab
    • ELL100 Lb: Introduction to Electrical Engineering Lab
    • ELQ301-Seminar

  • At NC State University, USA (as a Teaching Assistant):
    • ECE 792: Photonics and Optical Communications (2006 & 2007)
    • ECE 211, Electrical Circuits (2005)