Shashank Bishnoi

Department of Civil Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Low Carbon Cement project

Significant progress has been made in the the "Low Carbon Cement" project sponsored by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. Significant knowledge, sufficient for the development of standards on Limestone Calcined Clay Cement (LC3) has now been achieved. A summary of the project can be found here.

Click here to visit the website of LC3 Technology Resource Centre Asia

The brochure for LC3 can be downloaded by clicking here.

A detailed project report on Limestone Calcined Clay Cement can be found by clicking here (Updated on 17 October 2022).

The older version of the detailed project report on Limestone Calcined Clay Cement (18 July 2019) can be found by clicking here.

The research partners in this project are EPFL, Switzerland, UCLV, Cuba, IIT Delhi and IIT Madras.

The global website of the project can be accessed by clicking here.

The LC3 India team (with some special invitees) on an outing during a visit at Chennai in April 2015.

Organisations involved in the project:



© 2012 Shashank Bishnoi, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi