Introduction Basic Necessities Creating a Webpage HTML File Generation Files Created

How to Create a Webpage using HTML


1. The aim of this project was to develop a Webpage for understanding the nuances of Webpage designing, documentation of progress in the course DSL 732 and submission of Assignments and Projects as a part of the learning of this course.


2. One of the basic necessities to develop a webpage is the availability of a server to host the webpage. Computer Services Centre, IIT Delhi has commissioned a new server web.iitd.ac.in for hosting the webpages of all faculty and PhD students. The server used for hosting the webpages is an SSH server ssh1.iitd.ac.in

3. For ease of registering and opening a webpage, a GUI based secure copy client called WINSCP was downloaded and utilised

4. In addition to this the following softwares were downloaded for different purposes as indicated below:-

(a) WINSCP GUI based secure copy client for registering onto iitd host server.

(b) IMAGEMAGICK For compressing the size of images without compromising their quality.

(c) KDENLIVE For compressing and editing videos without compromising their quality.

(d) SUBLIME-TEXT GUI based HTML syntax assistant, to develop a HTML code.


5. The GUI based secure copy client WINSCP was installed. It acted as an interface which linked to the server. This is extremely useful in case of beginners with no prior knowledge in this area. Post installation of WINSCP the following details need to be added to connect to the requisite server. In this case web.iitd.ac.in:-

(a) Server : ssh1.iitd.ac.in

(b) UserName : As Intended (Need to check availability of ID

(c) UserDetails : As required (Here the Kerberos ID and particulars)

6. Post completion of registration a verification email is sent to the registered email id. Post verifiction the account is activated.

6. In this user folder created on the server. A folder named public_html is opened. This is used for storing all images, videos and html files created by the user and to be displayed as indicated on the webpage of the user.


7. A HTML file can be developed in any text/notepad. Using programs like MS Word are an overkill. However, in order to ease the process of learning, GUI based HTML assistance softwares can be used. Here, I had used SUBLIME TEXT as indicated before.

8. In order to understand the basic syntax and procedure required for developing a HTML file, I followed these tutorials and guides available online:-

(a) W3-Schools Guide to efficient use of HTML and CSS.

(b) A youtube based video on the basics of HTML webpage development.

(c) Class room lectures


9. The first file created was named a index.html for ease of identification by server as Homepage. To this file several files indicating the particulars of the page developer, the assignments and projects undertaken etc were attached. The complete list of files created by the user are as follows:-

(a) About : Indicating the Biodata of the Developer

(b) Assignments : To maintain the list of all Assignements undertaken the developer as a part of the course.

(c) Project : To maintain a seqential guide to the project progress