LED Name Display and LED Blinking


1. The aim of this project was to develop a program for displaying the name and sequential blinking of LEDs for 5 times when a push button is pressed using pullup function. In addition to this a Serial Monitor output setup is to be displayed.


2. The project involved development of User defined functions for each letter of the aplphabet in the form of a 3x3 matrix. For example the UDFs of letter A and letter D are shown below. When the concerned UDFs are called, they will ensure the concerned LEDs will brighten while the rest are OFF for a specific delay time to ensure the letter is readable by the viewer.

Letter'A' Letter'D'

3. In a similar fashion a UDF was also developed for alternate blinking of the LEDs for 5 times by sequentially powering ON and powering OFF all the LEDs as per the rows and coloumns in a 3x3 Matrix.


4. The entire project was first undertaken in TINKERCAD to ensure the code written is functioning propoerly. The result of the animation along with the Code, Material List, Display on Serial Monitor and the blinking of the LEDs as required to display the name as ADITYA when push button A is pressed and alternatively blink all LEDs 5 times when push button B is pressed was compiled in the form of a video shown below for reference.


5. Once satisfied that the code is functioning as required, it was uploaded onto an ARDUINO UNO and using the same layout an actual setup was developed using 02 breadboards. The code was uploaded and the running of the program was recorded. A video of the functioning of the project is attached.