1. The aim of this project was to develop a set of rules and practices for safety during work at MAKERSPACE.

2. Though, the safety at MAKERSPACE is everyone's individual responsibility, the following rules are considered essential to ensure the safety of all concerned:-

Workshop Rules

3. Workshop rules to ensure proper functioning of MAKERSPACE, safety of self and people around can be elaborated as:-

(a) Health problems if any should be informed to the In-Charge of MAKERSPACE, preferably every time when working in MAKERSPACE.

(b) Need to wear proper clothing (Shoes, Fully covered clothing, Avoiding Jewellery).

(c) Clothes worn should be tucked properly.

(d) Undergo Basic training prior to using any equipment in MAKERSPACE.

(e) Work piece should be properly fixed in place, prior to use of Hand Powered Tools.

(f) Workplace needs to be kept tidy, and all tools need to be cleaned and kept back in place after use.

(g) Wash hands after use of equipment and material.

First Aid

4. All accidents, cuts and abrasions must be reported before leaving the workshop. If an accident does happen, no matter how small, must be reported to the MAKERSPCE I/C. An Accident Report Form and a Near Miss Report need to be kept in place. So as to keep a record of accidents and probable accidents to develop a improved procedure for avoiding future issues.

Fire Fighting

5. Students need to think before reacting to emergencies. Especially in case of requirement of fire fighting, people attempting to fight fire should have been trained to fight fire. This includes a basic understanding of the type of portable fire fighting equipment and where they are supposed to be used.

Machinery Usage

6. Care must be taken to ensure people around are clear of any kind of flying debris when using either power or handheld tools in MAKERSPACE. It is safer to ask for help in case of difficulty to operate any machinery alone.


7. The safety factors to be considered for working safely in MAKERSPACE have been elaborated above. However, the most important one is to keep our concentration and focus on the job at hand when working in MAKERSPACE. A few images of some of the work undertaken at MAKERSPACE are elaborated below:-