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assignment 4

3D scanning and 3D printing


Take a physical object. 3D Scan it. 3D Print the 3D scanned object. Compare the actual physical object and the 3D printed object.

Object and 3D scanning

For the object, Good Knight mosquito killer liquid machine was taken.

Good knight

to scan the object, SCANN3D moblie app was used
  • Around 30 pictures were taken from all the angles to generate a 3D scan
  • Object needd to be not transparent or shiny for good results
  • Good knight

    Mesh work in fusion and making finishing the CAD model

  • To create the CAD file, STL file generated from the SCANN3D app were inserted into fusion 360 as a mesh file.
  • mesh work environement was enabled from preferences option of fusion.
  • mesh file was edited for the extra geometres that were added while scanning
  • finaly file was converted to brep and saved as f3d file
  • Good knight mesh 1

    Good knight mesh 2

    3D printing and comparison

    As 3D printing facilities are not available near my area, I had to order it online which still shows as shipped.

    3d print shipping

    Challenges and learning

  • To do 3D scanning by mobile I had to try various apps and some were good but in the end all were charging money to give the stl file. So in the end I had to take subscription of SCANN3D to complete this assignment
  • As no 3D printing facility were available, I had to serch online for the suitable site and order the component from them
  • editing .STL file was somethign new to learn, it was done in mesh workspace of fusion 360

  • Design File