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assignment 7

wild card weak


To learn a new fabrication technique which has not ben covere in the class and for that I have selected Arc welding

What is Arc welding

Arc welding is most commonly used to join two pieces of metal.The welder creates an electric arc that melts the base metals and filler metal (consumable) together so that they all fuse into one solid piece of metal.


It is a fusion welding which uses elctric arc to produce the heat required to melt the metal


Basic steps
  • Prepare the base materials: remove paint and rust
  • Choose the right welding process
  • Choose the right filler material
  • Assess and comply with safety requirements
  • Use proper welding techniques and be sure to protect the molten puddle from contaminants in the air
  • Inspect the weld
  • AC arc welding

    Transformer is used to step down the voltage. by decreasing the voltage, current is increasd and the heat generated is also increased. e.g. 220V at 50A to 17-40 V at upto 600A.

    Equipment used in the arc welding are shown in the image



    This assignment required to learn the skill, so I went to the nearest welder and learned to do a simple joint. I was not able to make anything bigger because lockdown allows welders to operate fot only 3 hrs, so the welder had already to much work.