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Ration Distribution

Ration destribution happens in four steps.

  • Give ration card and money
  • Give finger print
  • Sign in the stock register
  • Collect the ration

  • Ration collection is contact less and the ration card & money is going to the distributor which generally keeps using the senitiser because he need to deal with wast amount of people so he is cautious. The proble is finger print and register sign in, where every one comes in contact and that's why these two process can become hotspot for covid transmission.

    Problem statement

    Simple solution is to sanitize the hand before giving finger print and signing in but there are problem with this also.

  • Not everyone uses sanitizer volutarily
  • using conventional sanitizer needs to touch the bottle
  • Solution

    To develop a device which fulfill two needs

  • Automatic sanitization
  • allows to give fingerprint only after sanitization

    Concept for the product was to use two mechanism

  • First, to automate the sanitisation using servo motor connected to sanitiser vi string that will actuated by arduino from the signal of IR sensor.
  • Second, to connect servo motor to a cardboard sliding door. The door will open only after the sanitisation.


    following components were used

  • Cardboard box
  • Arduino
  • servo motors
  • sanitiser
  • IR sensor
  • Ultra sound sensor
  • pulley
  • LED
  • jumper wires
  • string
  • Arduino logic

  • Person places hand below sanitizer.
  • IR signal disrupted, signals the Arduino to actuate sanitizing mechanism.
  • Arduino rotates the sanitizing servo to spray sanitizer on the hand
  • Now, the Arduino signals 2nd servo to open the gate, so that person can register their finger print.
  • Ultrasound sensor checks for the distance of the person.
  • As long as person is in 1m distance, gate remains open.
  • Once the fingerprint is registers, the person moves away and the ultrasound sensor closes the finger print gate.
  • Now, the new person comes and the whole process is recorded again.
  • Product

    The final product is as shown


    The project video.

    The project presentation.

    The arduino code