MAL 732 (Financial Mathematics)
1. Some Basic Definitions and Terminology.
2. Basic Theory of Option Pricing: Single and Multi-Period Binomial Pricing Models, Cox-Ross-Rubinstein (CRR) Model, Black-Scholes Formula for Option Pricing as a Limit of CRR Model.
Brownian and Geometric Brownian
Motion, Theory of Martingales. Stochastic Calculus,
Stochastic Differential Equations, Ito’s Formula to Solve SDE’s. Applications
of Stochastic Calculus in Option Pricing.
Mean-Variance Portfolio Theory:
Markowitz Model of Portfolio Optimization and Capital Asset Pricing Model
(CAPM). Limitations of Markowitz Model and New Measures of Risk. 5.
Interest Rates and Interest
Rate Derivatives: Binomial Lattice Model, Vasicek,
Hull and White Models for Bond Pricing. Prerequisite: Probability Theory and Stochastic Process (MAL 250/MAL 509) and
Optimization (MAL 210/MAL 526). Main
Books: 1.
D. G. Luenberger:
Investment Science, Oxford University Press, 1999. 2.
M. Capińsky
and T. Zastawniak: Mathematics for Finance: An
Introduction to Financial Engineering, Springer, 2004. 3.
Thomas Mikosch:
Elementary Stochastic Calculus with Finance in view, World Scientific, 2006. 4.
Suresh Chandra, S. Dharmaraja, Aparna Mehra, R. Khemchandani:
Financial Mathematics: An Introduction, Narosa Publishing House, 2012. Reference
Books: 1.
S. E. Shreve: Stochastic
Calculus for Finance, Vol. I
& Vol. II, Springer, 2004. 2.
Sean Dineen:
Probability Theory in Finance: A Mathematical Guide to the Black-Scholes Formula, American Mathematical Society, Indian
edition, 2011. Evaluation: Minor-I: 25 Marks, Minor-II: 25 Marks, Major: 50 Marks.
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last updated Monday, Aug. 11, 2014.