
Assignment 2: Estimating your annual carbon footprint

Please estimate your operational energy consumption (in kWhr) per year. Please provide references or source of your energy calculation for every equipment. Did the energy consumption vary for any equipment if you used an energy monitoring device? Please estimate your operational energy based carbon footprint (in kg CO2 equivalent) per year. Can you also estimate your transport related carbon footprint (in kg CO2 equivalent) per year? What are the other sources of your carbon footprint? Can you think of ways of reducing your energy consumption on a yearly basis? It is suggested that the trees can absorb approximately 25 kg of CO2 per year ( CO2 absorption potential of a tree). Could planting trees help in bringing your energy consumption down?

Please upload your assignment using this google form


1st October 2023

Assignment 3: Energy Balance for your country of choice

Please construct a Sankey diagram for the energy balance of a country for the 2019 year. Please comment on the energy supply and demand mix for this country. How do the per capita energy consumption and CO2 emissions compare for this country with the world? Can you comment on the energy self sufficiency of this country? How can this country move towards achieving net zero GHG emissions before the end of this century? What are the recommendations from your side for this country to accelerate its pace towards achieving its net zero targets and why? Please share the sources of your data.

Please upload your assignment using this google form


21st October 2023