SOP to use 3D Printer at Makerspace

training video for using Adroitec 3D printer at the Makerspace of IIT Delhi

Specifications of Adroitec 3D Printer at Makerspace

3D printing design rules and torture tests. 3D printing and 3D scanning work flow.

3D printing and 3D scanning notes from Fab Academy

User manual and training video from Ganesh for using Sense 3D Scanner


Take a physical object. 3D Scan it. 3D Print the 3D scanned object. Compare the actual physical object and the 3D printed object.
Build a CAD model. Fabricate this object by 3D printing/thermoforming or another process. 3D scan this fabricated object and compare the two CAD models.
Please document the process of how you went about it. Please share your learnings, what worked and what didn't. Please outline the problems you faced and how you fixed them. Please include your design files.
Please limit the 3D printing time to 3 hours.


Assignment due on 7th April 2021.