Assignment 1

Website Design

I have been lately working on creating my own website by customizing a sample template available online as a part of website design course of Advanced Material prototyping and Die Design. Here, I am documenting the process I followed for customizing it for my needs :

Softwares Used :

1. WinSCP : Downloaded, installed and used it for secure file transfer between my local computer and IITD server.

2. ImageMagick :Downloaded, installed and used it for compressing the images attached

3. Sublime Text Editor :Downloaded, installe and used it for editing the HTML and CSS code to suit my requirements.

4. MAMP : Downloaded, installed and used it for testing the files on local browser before we upload it on the actual IITD server. This is helpful since it saves time lost for uploading files again and again on the server. MAMP gives instant editing results.

5. Kdenlive :Downloaded, installed and used for displaying, converting and editing raster image and vector image files.

Steps followed :

1. Downloading free website template : To start with my own website, I downloaded the free template from and saved it to D:\M.Des\Advanced Material and Die Processes-Mr. Jay

2. Software used : Sublime Text Editor : For editing the HTML and CSS code to suit my requirements : Opening the downloaded template with Sublime Text Editor : I opened the entire template folder with sublime text editor by opening sublime text editor -> File -> Open folder and navigating to the folder named “Jackson”

3. I used the tag to change my designation to “Budding Designer

4. I made the following code lines as comments since I do not want those headings yet.

5. I also made the facebook and twitter links as comments since I am not using them as of now for professional work.

6. To customize the front page with my photos, I copied my photos to D:\M.Des\Advanced Material and Die Processes-Mr. Jay\jackson\images and changed the URL in the code to my particular images as follows :

7. I uploaded images of my recent work by copying my downloads to the images folder of my template parent folder. It looks as follows after uploading :

8. After uplaoding and editing in similar way, I finally used WinSCP to upload my web files on IITD server as follows :