About Me



The most fascinating aspect about design, I feel, is how certain innovations in design turn out to be life changing. And it’s not as easy as asking the the consumers what they want and delivering ‘exactly’ what they ask for. Like Henry Ford famously said — If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.


I studied Electrical and Electronics during my B.Tech. However, since my 1st year I’ve been very inclined towards automobile design which led me to team up with a few college mates and design a Formula car for SAE Japan. The role I took up was to handle the design and a cost effective material for its exterior.


During my 4th year, my semester projects were also more related to transportation, than core electrical or electronics wherein one of my projects, we explored the design possibility of Short Take Off and Landing (STOL) Aircrafts. During our final project we designed a cost effective module for regenerative braking in electric two wheelers, which eventually won the 1st prize at university level.


My fixation towards finding solutions for transportation woes in a country with an ever rising population has driven me to go in the direction of pursuing Masters in Design.

Personal Projects



Below are a few concepts designed by me. Feel free to have a look


Wheel Car



1 3 4 5 6 7 8



Bike Saddle Design



4 5 6 7 8

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