Prof. Jyoti Kumar

Department of Design

Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

Jyoti Kumar

Associate Professor

Department of Design

UX Lab/ Social Innovation Lab/ Divine Lab/ Neurophysiological Tools


  • About Myself


    I research and teach User Experience (UX) design. I approach all entities from an experiential perspective. In my understanding, everything that exists has no other purpose than to provide an experience. I wish to understand and design human experiences. I play several different roles at DoD IITD. Some of my roles are:

    I research. Being a researcher is like being an ant, nibbling the mountain of sugar, tasting and enjoying it. The mountain I am nibbling is the study of human consciousness. I wonder how the physiological and psychological structures have been created in humans that lead to different experiences. Every time I crack a bit of this underlying structure and I enjoy it, I publish for others to know about it. Some of my publications are shared on this page for your perusal.

    I design. Being a designer is like being a tiny little confident god. Creating things from intuitive confidence and realising next possibilities upon creation. I design products, mostly digital products. but some physical as well. I offer these products as consultancy services.

    I teach. Being a teacher is like completing a full circle. It’s like holding your child in your arms and remembering where you started. It is the joy of starting the journey of knowledge again with a new learner. Exploring the possibilities of knowledge every time afresh along with a new learner. The journey of learning to my mind is understanding, designing, living, experiencing, fulfilling and finally getting to the mental state of surrendered service as the pure joy of being alive. The objective of my teaching is to complete this full circle with as many willing individuals as possible.

    I manage. I manage a UX lab at DoD IITD. With UG, PG and research students, I study human experiences from a neurophysiological perspective. We study the cognitive, affective and aesthetic experiences of digital and physical products using neuroscience. A brief of our lab's assets are mentioned below. I also manage a social innovation lab called DIVINE lab (Design and Innovation in Villagepreneurs' Indigenous Network Ecosystem). The lab studies new entrepreneurial possibilities using design thinking in the rural Indian context.

    I collaborate. I love to collaborate with like minded people on the broad topic of UX design. Please do drop a mail if you have an idea to work upon. There is always room for well-meaning people and bright ideas at UX lab.


    My current research interests are in following topics:


    1. Design Academics of User Experience

    How can UX design be taught across the educational system in Indian cultural context ? How can aesthetic sensitivity, colour sensitivity, user centred empathy and other design competencies, essential for UX design profession, be taught to young (and not so young) ? How can UX design ethics be taught ? How to assess the improvements in each competency ? What are the societal impacts of UX design ? How to study the societal impacts of the UX design academics ?


    2. UX Design Thinking for Rural Entrepreneurs

    What are the opportunities for UX design professionals in rural entrepreneurial ecosystem ? How to enhance rural entrepreneurial ecosystem of India through UX design thinking ?  Study of UX research methods for Indian rural ecosystems, design competency enhancement of rural youth, design of early childhood educational tools for rural India etc.


    3. Yogic neuroscience of value based design

    Modern cognitive neuroscience is facing limitations in explaining some of the human faculties related to consciousness. Ancient yogic neuroscience had models of some of these aspects like Samskara (Motivational analysis of the cognitive processes as described in Puranas and Itihassas), Rasotpatti (Evocation of emotions as per Natya Shastra of Bharata Muni), Saundaryanubhuti (Aesthetic experience of divine as in Saundarya lahri of Sri Shankaracharya) etc. UX lab at IITD is studying some of these ancient models in context of value based design for future world. For example, we are exploring how a designer's ideation process gets affected by his or her samskaras (value systems) ? How yogic lifestyles influences the decision making process and choice behaviours in product consumption process ? How creative processes of designers get value biased ?

  • Academic Background



    Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India

    Thesis Title: Comparative Study of User's Experiential Data Collection Techniques For Human Computer Interaction Design In Cross Cultural Settings

    PhD Supervisor: Prof. Pradeep Yammiyavar

    2004 – 2008


    B.Des. (Bachelor of Design),

    Department of Design,

    Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India

    1998 – 2002


    School (Std 1-12th)

    St. Michael's High School,

    Digha, Patna, Bihar, India

  • Industry Experience


     CE Lead,

     Human Factors International,

     2008 – 2010,

     Puducherry, India


     Design Consultant,

     Kamyab Infotech Limited,

     2002 - 2004

     New Delhi, India

  • Publications


    • Nitesh Sharma, Jyoti Kumar, Patel, V., & Rahul Garg, (2024). Impact of Gayatri Sadhana Camp on Stress and Well-being Parameters: A Mixed-method Study. Journal of Applied Consciousness Studies, 12(1), 24-32.


    • Pawan Pagaria, Abhijeet Kujur, & Jyoti Kumar (2023, June). Design and Assessment of a Tool for Improving Creativity and Imagination in School Children. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 631-641). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
    • Pawan Pagaria, Surbhi Pratap, Abhishek Dahiya, & Jyoti Kumar (2023, January). Preparing Indian Children for 21st Century Through Design Education: Results from Workshops in Delhi Govt Schools. In International Conference on Research into Design (pp. 825-835). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
    • Christy Vivek Gogu, Pawan Pagaria, & Jyoti Kumar (2023, January). Collaborative Work in Design Education: Industry 4.0 Assisted Incubator for Creativity, Co-Learning, and Connectedness. In International Conference on Research into Design (pp. 557-568). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
    • Niki Choudhury, Jyoti Kumar (2023). Investigation of Chromatic Perception of School Children During HCI in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. HCI International 2023 Posters. HCII 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1834. Springer, Cham.
    • Abhijeet Kujur, Naveen Kumar, & Jyoti Kumar (2023, January). Who to Blame—User Interface Design or Learning Content? A Neurophysiological UX Assessment of e-learning Process. In International Conference on Research into Design (pp. 661-672). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
    • Abhijeet Kujur, Sadaf H.Khan, Jyoti Kumar (2023). Neurophysiological UX Evaluation of Industry 4.0 Technologies: E-commerce, e-learning Websites, and VR Simulation. In International Conference on Research into Design (pp. 689–700). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.Investigating Experiential Wellbeing using EEG, Pupillometry and Psychogalvanic Sensors in VR of Built Environments
    • Aarati Prakash Khare, Abhijeet Kujur, Greeshma Sharma, & Jyoti Kumar (2023, January). Proposal of an e-learning Evaluation Model for Online Design Courses and Its Psychogalvanic Validation. In International Conference on Research into Design (pp. 673-687). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
    • Sanju Ahuja, Jyoti Kumar (2023). Ethics as Child’s Play: Sensitizing Children Early On about Design Ethics. 9th International Conference on Research into Design (ICoRD '23), Bengaluru, India.
    • Animesh Singh, Sanju Ahuja, Jyoti Kumar (2023). Courselect: Motivation-Centric Course Recommendation for University Students. 9th International Conference on Research into Design (ICoRD '23), Bengaluru, India.
    • Surbhi Pratap, Abhishek Dahiya, Shaurya Rawat, & Jyoti Kumar (2023, January). Online Education in India: Challenges and Opportunities. In International Conference on Research into Design (pp. 741-750). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
    • Chirag Rajyaguru, Pooja Sahni, Manvi Jain, Rohit Pandey, Jyoti Kumar (2023). Can Children Be Taught Values Using Game Designs? Insights from a Neurophysiological Experimental Study with Children. In: Chakrabarti, A., Singh, V. (eds) Design in the Era of Industry 4.0, Volume 1. ICORD 2023. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 343. Springer, Singapore.
    • Jyoti Kumar, Greeshma Sharma, Rohit Pandey, (2023). Sociocultural Returns of Aesthetics Education: A Yogic Neurodesign Framework. In: Chakrabarti, A., Singh, V. (eds) Design in the Era of Industry 4.0, Volume 3. ICORD 2023. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 346. Springer, Singapore.
    • Sunny Bairisal, Greeshma Sharma, Abhijeet Kujur, & Jyoti Kumar (2023). Time-course analysis of cognitive evaluation in aesthetic appreciation.
    • Mannu Brahmi, Greeshma Sharma, Sutapa Goswami, Jyoti kumar (2023). Indian Human Values Talk About Cognitive Empathy as Well: An Exploration of ‘Anekantavada’ in the Light of Empathy-Altruism Hypothesis. Mind, Brain, and Consciousness Conference, (pp. 164-349). Indian Knowledge System and Mental Health Applications (IKSMHA) Centre, IIT Mandi.


    • Pawan Pagaria, Gupta, N., & Jyoti Kumar (2022). Exposure of Design Education to School Students: A Case Study.
    • Christy Vivek Gogu, & Jyoti Kumar (2022). Social Media: Enabling Inconspicuous Blended Learning In Design Education In India. In Ds 117: Proceedings Of The 24Th International Conference On Engineering And Product Design Education (E&Pde 2022), London South Bank University In London, Uk. 8Th-9Th September 2022.
    • Sadaf H.Khan, Abhijeet Kujur, & Jyoti Kumar. A PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL iNVESTIGATION OF EMOTIONS EXPERIENCED IN A VIRTUAL REALITY 3D-LEARNING SIMULATION. International Conferences Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2022 and Game and Entertainment Technologies 2022.
    • Abhijeet Kujur, Sadaf H.Khan, & Jyoti Kumar (2022). Evaluating Learning Experience And Emotional Triggers Of Virtual Learning Environments (Vles) Using Psychogalvanic Reflexes And Behavioural Analysis. In Ds 117: Proceedings Of The 24Th International Conference On Engineering And Product Design Education (E&Pde 2022), London South Bank University In London, Uk. 8Th-9Th September 2022.
    • Abhijeet Kujur, Aditi Bhattacharya, Greeshma Sharma, & Jyoti Kumar (2022, November). Prediction of Workload under Distraction using Supervised Learning Algorithms. In 2022 3rd International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Intelligent Computing Techniques (ICICT) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
    • Sanju Ahuja, Jyoti Kumar (2022). Conceptualizations of User Autonomy within the Normative Evaluation of Dark Patterns. Ethics & Information Technology, 24, 52.
    • Sanju Ahuja, Jyoti Kumar (2022). Ethical Aspects of Health Sensing Applications in E-Textiles. 4th International Conference on the Challenges, Opportunities, Innovations and Applications in Electronic Textiles (E-Textiles 2022), Nottingham, United Kingdom.
    • Sanju Ahuja, Jyoti Kumar (2022). ‘Assistant’ or ‘Master’: Envisioning the User Autonomy Implications of Virtual Assistants. 4th International Conference on Conversational User Interfaces (CUI ’22), Glasgow, United Kingdom.
    • Sanju Ahuja, Jyoti Kumar (2022). A Framework for Ethics Education in Persuasive UX Design. 16th International Conference on Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction (IHCI '22), Lisbon, Portugal.
    • Nitesh Sharma, Pooja Sahni, Sharma, U. S., Jyoti Kumar, & Rahul Garg, (2022). Effect of yoga on the stress, anxiety, and depression of COVID-19-positive patients: a quasi-randomized controlled study. International Journal of Yoga Therapy, 32(2022), Article-8.


    • Sanju Ahuja, Jyoti Kumar (2021). The Influence of Business Incentives and Attitudes on Ethics Discourse in the Information Technology Industry. Philosophy & Technology, 34, 941-966.
    • Abhishek Dahiya, & Jyoti Kumar (2021). Effect of user information on conceptual design thinking: A linkographic study. Journal of Design Thinking, 2(2), 97-112.
    • Pooja Sahni, & Jyoti Kumar (2021). Exploring the relationship of human–nature interaction and mindfulness: a cross-sectional study. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 24(5), 450-462.
    • Surbhi Pratap, & Jyoti Kumar (2021). What Does the HCI Design Industry Expect from an Entrant? Findings from Interviews with Indian UX Design Team Leads. In Design for Tomorrow—Volume 1: Proceedings of ICoRD 2021 (pp. 363-373). Springer Singapore.
    • Surbhi Pratap, Abhishek Dahiya, & Jyoti Kumar (2021, July). From Studios to Laptops: Challenges in Imparting Design Education Virtually. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 507-516). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
    • Priyanka Rai, Prakhar Verma, Abhishek Dahiya, & Jyoti Kumar (2022). Factors affecting product design process in traditional societies: a thematic content analysis of novice designers' self-reports. International Journal of Business and Systems Research, 16(2), 240-258.
    • Tiwari A, Kujur A, Kumar J, Joshi D. Investigating the Effect of Real-Time Center of Pressure (CoP) Feedback Training on the Swing Phase of Lower Limb Kinematics in Transfemoral Prostheses with SACH foot. J Biomech Eng. 2021 Dec 24. doi: 10.1115/1.4053364. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34951460.
    • Amalkrishna P.S., Surabhi Pratap, Jyoti Kumar. Observing the Influence of Cultural Differences Within India on User Experience of an E-Commerce Application: An Experimental Investigation. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (2021).
    • Jyoti Kumar, Abhishek Dahiya, Prakhar Verma, Priyanka Rai. Factors affecting product design process in traditional societies: A thematic content analysis of novice designers self reports (2021).
    • Christy Vivek Gogu, Jyoti Kumar, Social Connectedness and Online Design Education Outcome: A Relationship Model. HCII Conference (2021).
    • Sanju Ahuja, Jyoti Kumar, How Ethical are Persuasive Design Practices? A Proposal for Assessment of Ethics in HCI Design. 8th International Conference on Research into Design (ICoRD'21), Mumbai (2021).
    • Christy Vivek Gogu, Jyoti Kumar, Social Connectedness in Online versus Face to face Design Education:  A comparative study in India. 8th International Conference on Research into Design (ICoRD'21), Mumbai (2021)
    • Christy Vivek Gogu, Jyoti Kumar (2021). Student Experience of Perceived Connectedness in Online Design Education. In: Grierson, Hilary; Bohemia, Erik; Buck, Lyndon (eds) Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE 2021), VIA Design, VIA University in Herning, Denmark. Continuity and Adaptability in Design and Engineering Education.
    • Christy Vivek Gogu, Jyoti Kumar (2021). Social Connectedness and Online Design Learning Experience in the Indian Context. Design and Technology Education: an International Journal, 26(3), 325-340.



    • Sunny Bairisal, Abhijeet Kujur, & Jyoti Kumar (2020). Response time differences in the aesthetic judgment of individuals on beautiful and ugly images. International Journal of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences Studies, 5(11), 19-29.
    • Abhishek Dahiya, & Jyoti Kumar (2020). Direct user behavior data leads to better user centric thinking than role playing: An experimental study on HCI design thinking. In HCI International 2020–Late Breaking Posters: 22nd International Conference, HCII 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 19–24, 2020, Proceedings, Part I 22 (pp. 11-18). Springer International Publishing.
    • Abhishek Dahiya, Abhijeet Kujur, & Jyoti Kumar (2020, July). A neurophysiological investigation of design thinking process in human-computer interaction design. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2020 and 13th International Conference on Game and Entertainment Technologies 2020.
    • Pooja Sahni, & Jyoti Kumar (2020). Effect of nature experience on fronto-parietal correlates of neurocognitive processes involved in directed attention: An ERP study. Annals of Neurosciences, 27(3-4), 136-147.
    • Surbhi Pratap, & Jyoti Kumar (2020). CIAM: a new assessment model to measure culture’s influence on websites. In Cross-Cultural Design. Applications in Health, Learning, Communication, and Creativity: 12th International Conference, CCD 2020, Held as Part of the 22nd HCI International Conference, HCII 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 19–24, 2020, Proceedings, Part II 22 (pp. 389-408). Springer International Publishing.
    • Sunny Bairisal, & Jyoti Kumar (2020). Response time differences in the aesthetic judgment of individuals on beautiful and ugly images. International Journal of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences Studies, 5(11), 19-29.
    • Sanju Ahuja, Jyoti Kumar, Surveillance based Persuasion: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. 4th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications (CHIRA'20), (Virtual) Budapest (2020).
    • Sanju Ahuja, Jyoti Kumar, The Influence of Business Incentives and Attitudes on Ethics Discourse in the Information Technology Industry. Philosophy & Technology.
    • Abhishek Dahiya, Abhijeet Kujur, Jyoti Kumar (2020). A Neurophysiological investigation of Design Thinking process in Human Computer Interaction Design.
    • Surbhi Pratap, Abhishek Dahiya, Jyoti Kumar (2020). From Studios to Laptops: Challenges in Imparting Design Education Virtually.
    • Surbhi Pratap, Jyoti Kumar (2020, July). CIAM: A New Assessment Model to Measure Culture’s Influence on Websites. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 389-408). Springer, Cham.
    • Abhishek Dahiya, Jyoti Kumar (2020). User centric data shaping designer centric creativity: Observations from experimental study. 10.13140/RG.2.2.35755.26409.
    • Pooja Sahni and Jyoti Kumar. Effect of Nature Experience on Fronto-parietal Correlates of Neurocognitive Processes involved in Directed Attention: An ERP study.’ Annal of Neurosciences, Sage Publications
    • Pooja Sahni and Jyoti Kumar ( 2020) Re-exploring the relationship of Human-Nature Interaction and Mindfulness:  An experimental study’, Journal of Mental health, Religion, and Culture, (under review)
    • Jyoti Kumar and Surbhi Pratap. "Detriments to Cultural Sensitivity in HCI Design Processes: Insights from Practitioners’ Experiences in India". International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Springer, Cham, 2020.



    • Surbhi Pratap, & Jyoti Kumar (2019). A dimensional analysis across India to study how national cultural diversity affects website designs. In Research into Design for a Connected World: Proceedings of ICoRD 2019 Volume 2 (pp. 653-664). Springer Singapore.
    • Pooja Sahni and Jyoti Kumar (2019) ‘Neuro-Cognitive Effects of Nature Experience’, The Science of Consciousness, Interlaken, Switzerland, 2019, Switzerland
    • Abhishek Dahiya, Jyoti Kumar (2019). Observations on Design Thinking in Novice Designers While Empathizing With Persona. In Handbook of Research on Human-Computer Interfaces and New Modes of Interactivity (pp. 21-39). IGI Global.
    • Naveen Kumar, Jyoti Kumar (2019). Efficiency 4.0 for Industry 4.0. Human Technology. 15. 55-78. 10.17011/ht/urn.201902201608.
    • Sunny Bairisal, Jyoti Kumar (2019). Design and Development of a New Instrument for Measuring Aesthetic Sensitivity: Proceedings of ICoRD 2019 Volume 2. 10.1007/978-981-13-5977-4_24.
    • Surbhi Pratap, Jyoti Kumar (2019). A Dimensional Analysis Across India to Study How National Cultural Diversity Affects Website Designs: Proceedings of ICoRD 2019 Volume 2. 10.1007/978-981-13-5977-4_55.
    • Vinod Kotwal, Satya Santosh, Naik Satya, Abhishek Dahiya, Jyoti Kumar (2019). Street Food Cart Design: a critical component of Food Safety. Rural Technology Development and Delivery.
    • Abhishek Dahiya, Jyoti Kumar (2019). Do Design Outcomes Get Influenced by Type of User Data? An Experimental Study with Primary and Secondary User Research Data. 191-197. 10.1007/978-3-030-02053-8_30.



    • Pooja Sahni and Jyoti Kumar (2018) ‘Nature and Brain : Integrated Study of Inner Experience and Brain Oscillations’,The Science of Consciousness, University of Arizona, Tuscon, Arizona, USA
    • Abhishek Dahiya, Jyoti Kumar, ग्रामीण आवास के लिए सूचना और संचार प्रौद्योगिकी का उपयोग (2018), Jigaysa Patrika, IIT Delhi Press:
    • Abhishek Dahiya, Jyoti Kumar, What motivates rural entrepreneurs? Findings from a qualitative study in Raigarh, Maharashtra,1st International Conference of Rural Technology Action Group (RuTAG), (2018), IIT Delhi.
    • Abhishek Dahiya, Jyoti Kumar(2018), Innovation through Novelty and Aesthetics for increasing profit and product acceptance in handicraft products: A Case Study with Marble Products, 1st International Conference of Rural Technology Action Group (RuTAG), IIT Delhi.
    • Abhishek Dahiya, Jyoti Kumar (2018), How Empathizing with persona helps in design thinking: An experimental study with novice designers, 12th International Conference on Interfaces and Human-Computer Interaction, Madrid, Spain.
    • Jyotish Kumar, Jyoti Kumar. (2018, October). Investigation of Usability Issues through Physiological Tools: An Experimental Study with Tourism Websites. In International Conference on Human Systems Engineering and Design: Future Trends and Applications (pp. 365-371). Springer, Cham.
    • Sumer Singh, Jyoti Kumar, P. V. M Rao, (2018). Parameters for environmental impact assessment of product packaging: a Delphi study. Journal of Packaging Technology and Research, 2(1), 3-15.
    • Sumer Singh, Jyoti Kumar, P. V. M Rao, (2018). Environmental impact assessment framework for product packaging. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal.
    • Abhishek Dahiya, Jyoti Kumar, (2018). How empathizing with persona helps in design thinking: An experimental study with novice designers. In 12th International Conference on Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction.
    • Abhishek Dahiya, Jyoti Kumar, (2018). Use of information and communication technology (ICT) for rural housing.
    • Jyotish Kumar, Arati Prakash Khare & Jyoti Kumar, An Experimental Study to Evaluate Influence of usability on Learning Behaviour, 12th International Conference on Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2018 (IHCI 2018).



    • नवीन कुमार, ज्योति कुमार (2017), तकनिकी जटिलता के संज्ञानात्मक भार के तंत्रिका मापक: Jigaysa Patrika, IIT Delhi Press, pp- 31-35, ISBN:2349560
    • Pooja Sahni and Jyoti Kumar (2017) ‘ The  benefits of Eco- human interaction: Integrating Eastern  beliefs and Western Science ’,The Science of Consciousness, University of Arizona,Tuscon, San Deigo, USA



    • Naveen Kumar, Jyoti Kumar, (2016, March). Measurement of efficiency of auditory vs visual communication in HMI: A cognitive load approach. In 2016 International Conference on Advances in Human Machine Interaction (HMI) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.
    • Naveen Kumar, Jyoti Kumar (2016). Measurement of cognitive load in HCI systems using EEG power spectrum: an experimental study. Procedia Computer Science, 84, 70-78.
    • Naveen Kumar, V Maheshwari, Jyoti Kumar, (2016, March). A comparative study of user experience in online social media branding web pages using eye tracker. In 2016 international conference on advances in human machine interaction (HMI) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.
    • Pooja Sahni and Jyoti Kumar ( 2016) ‘ Nature relatedness and directed attention- an experimental study’, presented at NAOP Allahabad
    • Abhishek Dahiya, Jyoti Kumar, A New Approach to Interaction Design of ICT Systems as a Special Category of ill-defined Problems.
    • Sunny Bairisal, Naveen Kumar, Jyoti Kumar,. (2016). A Framework to Measure the Role of Users' Aesthetic Attitude in Visual Appreciation of ICT Products. Journal of Basic and Applied Engineering Research. 3. 2350-77.
    • Jitesh Khatri, Naveen Kumar, Jyoti Kumar,(2016, March). Product form design suggestion using soft computing. In 2016 International Conference on Advances in Human Machine Interaction (HMI) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
    • Jyotish Kumar, Jyoti Kumar (2016). Affective Modelling of Users in HCI Using EEG. Procedia Computer Science. 84. 107-114. 10.1016/j.procs.2016.04.073.



    • Naveen Kumar, Aarati Khare, Jyoti Kumar, (2015). A Framework for Combined Evaluation by Usability and User Experience in E-learning Systems. Advances in Computer Science and Information Technology (ACSIT). 2. 15-18.
    • Pooja Sahni,and Jyoti Kumar (2015) ‘Phenomenology of Higher Order Conscious Experiences and Spiritually Oriented Ecology’ In: Pratibha Rai, Prem Kumari Srivastava. Eds. ‘Spiritual Ecology and Sustainability: Practice and Confluence' ISBN 978-93-5207-386-3
    • Jyotish Kumar, Jyotish Kumar, (2015). Machine learning approach to classify emotions using GSR. Advanced Research in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2(12), 72-76.
    • Pooja Sahni,and Jyoti Kumar (2015), ‘Nature and Brain’, NIAS, IISc, Banglore  (Invited Young Scholar Award)
    • Aarati Khare, Jyoti Kumar, (2015). A framework for evaluation of e-learning applications in developing countries. Adv. Comput. Sci. Inf. Technol, 2, 62-67.
    • Jitesh Khatri and Jyoti Kumar, “Soft computing technique for product design suggestion in the smart manufacturing industry,” in Asian Review of Mechanical Engineering, 2015, pp. 38–42. https://doi:10.16962/elkapj/si.arimpie-2015.30



    • Naveen Kumar, Jyoti Kumar, (2013). A Framework for Human Efficiency Measurement in Advanced Manufacturing: HCI in INDUSTRY4. 0. Guwahati, India.



    • Hertzum Morten, Hornbæk, Kasper, Jyoti Kumar, Shi, Qingxin, Pradeep Yammiyavar, (2011). Personal usability constructs: How people construe usability across nationalities and stakeholder groups. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 27(8), 729-761.



    • Jiang, Yun, Sun, Xianghong, Li Huiyang, Pradeep Yammiyavar, Jyoti Kumar, Hertzum M. Clemmensen, T. (2009). A cross-cultural study of how usability professionals experience the usability of everyday systems.



    • Pradeep Yammiyavar, Torkil Clemmensen, Jyoti Kumar (2008). Influence of cultural background on non-verbal communication in a usability testing situation. International Journal of Design, 2(2).



    • Shi Qingxin, Jyoti Kumar, Li Huiyang, Sun, Xianghong, Pradeep Yammiyavar (July 2007). Cultural usability tests–How usability tests are not the same all over the world. In International Conference on Usability and Internationalization (pp. 281-290). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
    • Hertzum Morten, Hornbæ Kasper, Jyoti Kumar, Shi Qingxin, Pradeep Yammiyavar  (2007) Usability Constructs: A Cross-Cultural Study of How Users and Developers Experience Their Use of Information Systems. In: Aykin N. (eds) Usability and Internationalization. HCI and Culture. UI-HCII 2007. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 4559. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
    • Jyoti Kumar, Nielsen Janni, Pradeep Yammiyavar (2007). Tracing Cognitive Processes for Usability Evaluation: A Cross Cultural Mind Tape Study. In International Conference on Usability and Internationalization (pp. 336-345). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.10.1007/978-3-540-73287-7_41.
    • Jyoti Kumar, Pradeep Yammiyavar, Nielsen Janni (2007). Mind Tape technique-a usability evaluation method for tracing cognitive processes in cross cultural settings. Eminds, 1(3), 83-99.
    • Hertzum Morten, Clemmensen T. Hornboek, Jyoti Kumar, Shi Qingxin, Pradeep Yammiyavar (2007). Part II-International and Intercultural Usability-Usability Constructs: A Cross-Cultural Study of How Users and Developers Experience Their Use of Information Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4559, 317-326.
    • Pradeep Yammiyavar, Clemmensen T. Jyoti Kumar (2007, July). Analyzing non-verbal cues in Usability Evaluation Tests. In International Conference on Usability and Internationalization Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 4559. 462-471. 10.1007/978-3-540-73287-7_55.



    • Nielsen Janni, Kumar, Jyoti Kumar, Pradeep Yammiyavar (2006). Designing HCI Techniques Targeting Cultural Diversity. DHRS 2006, 45.
    • Pradeep Yammiyavar and Jyoti Kumar, Use, User, Usability: Bounded rationality perspectives in cross cultural framework. Proceedings - Indo –Danish HCI Research Symposium 14th –15th May 2006, Department of Design, IIT Guwahati



  • Courses Taught

    • 2023-2024

      • Design For Usability
      • Elements Of Design
    • 2022-2023

      • Design For User Experience
      • Exploratory Design Methods
      • Special Module On Inner Development 1
      • Design For Usability
    • 2021-2022

      • Design For User Experience
      • Special Module On Inner Development 1
      • Design For Usability
      • Design For User Experience
      • Design For Usability
    • 2020-2021

      • Design For User Experience
      • Design In Indian Context
    • 2019-2020

      • Design For Usability
      • Design For User Experience
      • Design Project
      • Form And Aesthetics
    • 2018-2019

      • Summer Internship
      • Industry/Research Design Project
      • Framework Of Design
      • Profe. Ethics & Social Resp.
      • Social Immersion
      • Design For User Experience
    • 2017-2018

      • Design For User Experience
      • Framework Of Design
      • Media Studies
      • Applied_Ergonomics
      • Social Immersion
      • Design For Usability
      • Profe. Ethics & Social Resp.
    • 2016-2017

      • Framework Of Design
      • Social Immersion
      • Design For User Experience
      • Design For Usability
      • Applied Ergonomics
      • Design In Indian Context
      • Special Module In Design
    • 2015-2016

      • Advanced Form Studies
      • Media Studies
      • Framework Of Design
      • Profe. Ethics & Social Resp.
      • Design For Usability
      • Applied Ergonomics
    • 2014-2015

      • Framework Of Design
      • Applied Ergonomics
      • Advanced Form Studies
      • Profe. Ethics & Social Resp.
      • Seminar (Product In Usage)
      • Studies In Product Config & Detailing
      • Invited Faculty Seminars
      • Profe. Ethics & Social Resp.
    • 2013-2014

      • Framework Of Design
      • Applied Ergonomics
      • Advanced Form Studies
      • Profe. Ethics & Social Resp.
      • Studies In Product Config & Detailing
      • Invited Faculty Seminars
      • Profe. Ethics & Social Resp.
    • 2012-2013

      • Framework of Design
      • Applied Ergonomics
      • Advanced Form Studies
      • Studies In Product Config & Detailing
    • 2011-2012

      • Framework of Design
      • Applied Ergonomics
      • Advanced_Form_Studies
      • Adv. Materials Mfg. Process and Finishes
      • Studies_In_Product_Config&Detailing
      • Animation
  • PhD Students

    Completed PhDs

    Ongoing PhDs

    Abhijeet Kujur

    Phd Thesis Title: Development of Neurophysiological model for UX assessment of e-learning platforms

    Research Area: Pysiological signals, Affective Computing

    Human-Information Interaction





    Phd Thesis Title: Design and development of metrics of aesthetics for designed products.

    Research Area:



    Sanju Ahuja

    Phd Thesis Title: Outsourcing Human Autonomy: Ethics Assessment of Persuasive Information Technologies

    Research Area: Human-Information Interaction, Cognitive Neuroscience, Decision Making




    Phd Thesis Title: User Experience design guidelines for cultural suitability of designs for Indian users

    Research Area: UI/UX design process, Cross cultural analysis, Cultural aspects of interactive products, Design guidelines




    Phd Thesis Title: Understanding Impact of user Information on Design Thinking for HCI Products.

    Research Area: User centered design, User research, Design thinking

    Design creativity, UI/UX design.




    Year of PhD awarded: 2021

    Phd Thesis Title: Development of Physiological Signal Based Affective Markers for UX Testing of HCI Products.




    Jitesh Kumar Khatri

    Year of PhD awarded: 2021

    Thesis Title: An Exploratory Study on Soft Computing Assisted Product Design for Indian Children using Anthropometric Data





    Rajpal Singh Mann

    Year of PhD awarded: 2021

    Thesis Title: Effect of Environment and Human Factors on Tactile Perception




    POOJA Sahni

    Year of PhD awarded: 2020

    PhD Thesis Title: Modeling the Neuro-psycho- cognitive Effects of Nature Experience.





    Year of PhD awarded: 2019







    Sumer Singh

    Year of PhD awarded: 2019

    Thesis TitleA Framework for Environmental Impact Assessment of Product Packaging





    Year of PhD awarded: 2018

    Thesis Title: Development of User's Cognitive Load Centric Methodology for HCI Based Control Panel Design




    Huidrom Lokeshwor Singh

    Year of PhD awarded: 2012

    Thesis Title: An Improved Method for Automated Evaluation of Road Surface Distresses Using Video Image Based Techniques.




    Naveen Kumar

    Phd Thesis Title: Development of Digital Design Guidelines for Rural Skilling in India

    Research Area: Digital Design Guidelines for Rural Skilling Platform | National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF) Design | Social Entrepreneurship Model Design


    Christy Vivek Gogu

    Phd Thesis Title: Product Design, Design Pedagogy, Social Connectedness, Social Design, Design for Community, Design Education

    Research Area: Design and Social Connect



    Pawan Pagaria

    Phd Thesis Title: Development of tools to enhance Design Thinking in school children.




    Mannu Brahmi

    Phd Thesis Title: Modulation of inter-individual differences  in number and language processing by empathy an values- in Indian and SDG 4.7 context

    Research Area:



    Nitesh Sharma

    Phd Thesis Title: Psycho-Neurophysiological study of Gayatri Mantra Meditation




    Sneha Maji

    Phd Thesis Title: Gamification of Design Pedagogy of Indian Aesthetics






    Sadaf Haleem Khan

    Phd Thesis Title:

    Research Area: Educational Space Design Methodologies with emphasis on Psychological Well-being/ Architectural Psychology



    Niki Choudhury

    Phd Thesis Title: UX Heuristics for AR/VR/MR

    Research Area: Colour Psychology, AR/VR, Fashion, Footwear Design & Innovation, Education Design, Form & Aesthetics



    Rohit Pandey

    Phd Thesis Title:

    Research Area: Yog




    Ashok Shetty

    Phd Thesis Title: A study on integration of AI technologies in UX methods

    Research Area: Artificial Intelligence, UX Methods & Frameworks, Design Thinking, User Research



    Prakriti Joshi

    Phd Thesis Title: Studies with HCI based pedagogical tools from UX perspective.

    Research Area: User Experience Design, Human-Computer Interaction, Pedagogical Tools, Educational Technology, Accessibility


    Ashish Majumdar

    Phd Thesis Title: A study on embedding user-centricity in strategic mandates and development processes for HCI Products, using AI Interventions.


    Research Area: HCI, AI, Design thinking, User Centric


    Richa Kapur


    Phd Thesis Title: UX for Education

    Research Area: UX for Education, UI/UX Design, Visual Communication, Graphics.



    Rajas Phopale

    Phd Thesis Title: Impact of emerging mobility technology on formal design of two wheeled mobility products.

    Research Area: Emerging mobility, techno symbiosis, automotive styling, HMI, Design thinking, user centric research.



  • M. Des Projects

    • 2021

      Ayush Kumar

      Meeting Management Module

      Tejas Tilak

      log planner account activity

      Amalkrishna P S

      Improving Digital Wellbeing of Users within Microsoft Teams

      Vaibhav Agarwal

      Design of Persuasive Job Finder App for Rural India

      Sonsy Mishra

      Digital peace of mind (In context of families)

    • 2020


      UX design for decision making in E-Commerce Applications

      Anantha Kashyap

      Enphase Home Owners Onboarding Platform

      Anoushka Saha

      Nurturing Belongingness in Employees through Inclusion.

      Deeksha & Vipul

      Understanding Car’s Ecosystem in India to Re-Design the OLX App for improved

      Fenil Naik

      Designing an interactive medium for value-based education for students in India

      Medha Kadian & Jinal Solanki

      UX design for content creation in design education

      Prakhar Verma

      User Experience Improvement of ERCP Trainees for enhanced and efficient learning

      Sonsy Mishra

      Experiential design of a tourist place

      Sukanya Gupta

      Usability focused design for Multi-lingual Translation Software

      Yash Bohre

      Design and Development of an educational toy, to enhance the spatial ability of primary school students.

    • 2019

      Amit Kumar

      Reimagining the CNG refueling experience: A service Design approach


      Design of community-based platform for multi-national design teams

      Anantha Kashyap

      Household Waste Management and Segregation Awareness

      Anantha Kashyap

      Biometric Attendance & Leave System for DoD

      Deeksha Gupta

      UX Management Shoftware

      Deeksha Gupta

      Yes Kar: An app for urban underprivileged youth, to connect them to potential recruiters and nudge towards literacy via interactive games.

      Kinshuk Kujur

      Plant and care mobile application for encouraging people to plant and care for trees


      Reimaging a B2B marketing website experience

      Pauline Mariam John

      Design of interactive primary school with the inbuilt learning environment

      Prakhar Verma

      Vastavik Kumbh- The Real Khumb

      Prakhar Verma

      Kedar Water: A Rural Livelihood Initiative

      Prasenjit Boro

      Designing The product learning and user experience for cloud gaming client application users

      Priyanka Rai

      Sport I

      Priyanka Rai

      How might we build empathy for blue-collar service workers, who are among the most affected by climate change and least equipped to deal with it?

      Rahul kunwar

      Smartphone application for motorcycle riders to help them plan and execute long tours

      Rituparna Guha

      Context switching and multitasking in digital workspaces

      Saajan Tikare

      Design of collation, Collaboration of communication platform for multinational design teams in MNCs

      Soamyata Sharma

      design and development of the augmented reality-based application for skill development of welding

      Sushant Patil

      Design of a customer service experience for a B2B service evaluation platform

      Swati Katariya

      Plant and care mobile application for encouraging people to plant and care for trees

      Vijeyata Ojha

      PMAY-G Rural housing design & guideline portal

      Vipul Upadhyay

      UX Management Shoftware

      Vipul Upadhyay

      Personalized education for dropouts and the future of distance education.

      Yash Bohre

      Design of Interactive primary school with the inbuilt learning environment


      Visual acuity test design for the Indian context


    • 2018

      Amya Rai

      Study of online Decision making


      Design of map IITD campus

      Karan Mashta

      Measurement of Game UX

      Niraj Kumar

      Design of tools for small farmers

      Prasenjit Boro

      Posture correction with relation haptic feedback response by digital referencing


      Measurement of UX using physiological tools

    • 2017

      Abhas Sinha

      Online Platform for Webinars


      Usability book design for naval architects

      Damini Jaiswal

      Toy design for autistic children

      Dela Hans

      Interactive Virtual Architecture

      Dhrupad Gupta

      Graphics design for a book on naval architects

      Miranda Thomas

      Music devise for deaf

      Piyush Verma

      Application for Architects

      Rahul Shubham

      Stationery design in marble

      Rishabh Bhatia

      Book sharing portal design

      Shakthi Parvathi

      Design of management software for the student festival

      Shakti Parvati

      App deign for woman enterpreneurs

      Shashank Gupta

      Wayfinding and feedback app for IITD

      Shreya Nim

      Personal Assistance App for Students

      Shreya Nim

      App deign for woman enterpreneurs

      Shreyasi Mandal

      Web portal for data management

      Tamal Patra

      Digital Identity Design for DOD

      Tamal Patra

      Medical Toolkit for Asha workers

    • 2016

      Abhas Sinha

      Usable way finding app for drivers


      Redesign of soldier recreational area of Indian Naval Ship


      Naval ship lookout sit-stand design

      Abhishek Chaudhary

      Campus mobility vehicle

      Abhishek Dahiya

      Mobile app for farmers

      Anurag Halder

      Game for blind

      Dhrupad Gupta

      Hospital bed system for easy patient relocation

      Megha Verma

      Mobile app for cleanliness awareness

      Mrinal Kukreti

      Gamification of learning for children using virtual reality

      Piyush Verma

      Persuasive mobile app for traditional houses in Uttrakhand

      Piyush Verma

      Modular sleeping bed for homeless

      Ritwik Dasgupta

      Design language based on rasa theory

      Sarah Zaki

      Social awareness portal on sustainable housing

      Shreyasi Mandal

      Rural Mason Digital Guide

      Shrikant Sharma

      School networking portal on design solutions

      Shwetha Rajappan

      Safe cooking gas stove knob design for children

      Shwetha Rajappan

      The digital experience of archeological sites

      Vidit Ghai

      Design for physical virtual interfaces in IoT

      Vinayak Bongare

      Virtual keyboard design for the elderly

    • 2015


      Design of an educational website

      Anurag Haldar

      Website design for a financial company

      Anurag Halder

      Design Idea management software

      Arjak Mitra

      Interactive Architecture Design

      Arun Thangaraj

      Digital Dashboard for cars

      Harshit Chaudhary

      Website design for a poet

      Kaushik Parasar

      Study of online reading behavior by customers of commercial sites

      Kavita Singh

      Website for Vocational Training

      Megha Verma

      Traslation software UI design

      Ritwik Dasgupta

      Designers networking portal

      Ritwik Dasgupta

      House design game for laypeople

      Sara Zaki

      Study of consumer decision making for e-commerce sites

      Sarah Zaki

      Interactive Information Visualization

      Sidhdhant (B.Tech)

      The lightweight microscope projection system

      Srikant Sharma

      Stock Companion Application

      Varun Maheswari

      Mobile game design for breast cancer awareness

      Vidit Ghai

      Futuristic dashboard for car

      Vidit Ghai

      Online graphics for financial information

      Vikas Ravat

      Website design for a Singapore based financial firm (sponsored)

      Vimla B

      Design of toys for autistic children

      Vinayak Bongare

      Digital console for washing machine

      Vinayak Bongare

      Gardners networking application

    • 2014

      Ankit Awasthi

      Easy carrier for brick for kiln laborers

      Arshad Nasser

      Form design explorations

      Arundhati Khasnabis

      Low-cost science education kit

      Asif Zaidi

      Website design

      Asif Zaidi

      Mobile app for farmers


      Farm to store attachable carrier for motorbikes

      Esha Mathur

      Interactive water usage display system for bathrooms

      Esha Mathur

      Sugarcane harvesting tool

      Jitesh Nayak

      Redesigning of the Child Health Card


      Aesthetic patterns in digital designs

      Neha Singh

      Gamification of learning alphabets for children

      Nikita Parihar

      Mobile app for farmers

      Prabhakar Kumar

      Gamification of science education for children


      Watch design for youth

      Sambhu P Mishra

      Mobile-based recommender system for house designs

      Shuvra Ranjan Bhowmik

      Form design for lifestyle products

      Shuvra Ranjan Bhowmik

      Modular storage of cultivated rice and wheat grains

      Suneesh Lal

      Bike for rural India

      Vidhu V Saxena

      Indoor positioning based mobile application for workplaces

      Vikas Tavanandi

      Card reader for Delhi metro

    • 2013

      Abhishek Chouksey

      Design of application for overclocking gamers

      Amar Verma

      EEG based assistive device for bedridden patients

      Anand Vishwaroop

      Hospital patient management system

      Jitesh Nayak

      Interactive learning tool for children

      Kshitiz Sinha

      Design of website for the food vendor

      Mohana Krishnan

      Gaana website design

      Neha Singh

      Automatic message device for Deep Vein Thrombosis

      Pintu Das

      Design of smart fridge

      Satheesh S

      Corporate identity design for ESDM Deity GOI

      Shambhu P Mishra

      Mobile-based recommender system for house designs

      Utsav Das

      Self-service smartphone application for patients

    • 2012


      Easy to Use Hospital Operation Table


      Utility products from Path (WB)


      Hospital UI Development

      Jaunani S.

      Mobile Application for Diet Planning

      Jomy Joseph

      Urban Mobility for 2020

      Kaushik Dutta

      Mobility for Urban India

      Mohan S Kumar

      Tablet Application for Textile Retailers

      Mohit Gupta

      Design of Rural Housing Project


      Deep vein Thrombosis Patient care

      Nidhy Haridas

      Public Seating Design

      Prithviraj Patowary

      Kit for Alternative Learning in Children

      Shrikant Sathe

      Education Modules for School Dropout Children

      Shruti Gokhle

      Experiential Design for Youth Festival

      Sneha Manjhi

      Awareness Exhibition on the Yamuna

      Supriyo Roy

      Connecting Entertainment Media Retail

      Swati Minz

      Mobile Bus Monitoring for Delhi


      DIT Interactive Information Development

    • 2011

      Ajay Kumar

      Design of Low-Cost Water Filter

      Bibhas Ranjan Sethi

      Shoe Storage Unit for Temples

      Jaunani S.

      Mobile Based Medicine Reminder

      Mohit Gupta

      Information Portal for Rural Housing

      Mukesh P Sharma

      Animation Movie on 'Theft and Conscience'

      Pallavi Gautam

      Energy Generator from Gym

      Priya Saini

      Self Openable Disaster Relief Camp

      Sachin C

      Personal Mobility Vehicle

      Shivam Nigam

      Lifestyle Furniture

      Taniya Vij

      Wayfinder in Academic Campus

      Yashwant Suthar

      Affective Semantics in Exterior Forms of Automobiles: An Experimental Study

  • RESEARCH AND consultancy projects


    consultancy Projects

    • Assessment And Certificaiton Of Yogyata Courses (2022)
    • Assessment Of Aspiration Survey (2023)
    • Assessment Of Csc Olympiad (2022)
    • Cognitive Load Assessment Of Accessbility To Infotainment Keyboard While Driving. (2022)
    • Course Material Development (2020)
    • CSC sponsored design and innovation lab at DoD (2021)
    • Curriculum Development For Csc Bal Vidyalaya (Remaining 360 Days) (2023)
    • Design And Development Of Learning Management System (2023)
    • Design Assistance And Content Development For Yogyata App (2021)
    • Design Awareness Workshop in Himachal Pradesh Assorted Manufacturing Cluster (2012)
    • Design For Automatic Smart Card Recharger (2014)
    • Development And Delivery Of Specialized Education In Digital Media And Design Curriculum For High End 21St Century Skills Sos” (2022)
    • Documentation of HFI Framework (2011)
    • Evaluation of Usability Testing Methods for E-learning (2012)
    • Impact Assessment Of Atal Tikering Labs Implemented By IBM (2022)
    • Impact Assessment Of Digigaon (2019)
    • Impact Assessment Of Digital Villages (2019)
    • Impact Assessment Of Digitize India Platform (2019)
    • Impact Assessment Of E-Lakshyvahini In Haryana State (2021)
    • Impact Assessment Of E-Skilling On Futuristic Skills Through Common Service Centers Under Csr Activity (2021)
    • Impact Assessment Of Mission Karam Yogi Program (2023)
    • Impact Assessment Of Usha Silai School Programm (2022)
    • Impact assessment study for skilling of persons with disabilities (2018)
    • Impact Assessment Study In Table Usage In Csc Bal Vidyalyas (2022)
    • Impact Assessment Study On Digital Village Project Implemented By Csc For Meity (2024)
    • MI from Additional funds from CSC for CSC Bal Vidyalaya  (2021)
    • Neurophysiological Study and Design Suggestions for EV Display Design (2024)
    • Setting uo a Knowledge Network on Rural Housing (2011)
    • Social Innovation For Women Entrepreneurship (2017)
    • Study of social emotional competencies during early childhood (2021)
    • Swades Foundation – Agriculture Technology Assessment & Ecosystem Study (2015)
    • Thinking Workshop On Usage Of Technology In Bal Vidyalaya (2022)
    • Training UX Professional at HFI (2012)
    • Unicare Lifeline Design And Computational Testing (2021)
    • Your Personal Sports Assistant (2019)


  • outreach ACTIVITIES


     conferences organized:

    • ux now (2016)
    • India hci (2014)
    • ux now


     Invited Talks:

    • Social immersion as a design thinking tool’ at AICTE faculty development program on  "Cognitive skills and design thinking", 27-31 March 2021, Department of Information Technology, J&K.
    • Introduction to Human Computer Interaction Design, AICTE faculty development program onHuman centred computing, Feb 15-19, 2021, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Gauhati University
    • Digital msme Delhi panel discussion (2020)
    • ux now (2019)
    • Saas design (2019)
    • Human Factors International


     national level committee member of:

    • member of constituting Committee for evaluation of performance for National Awards-2019 for PMAY-G (2019)
    • MHRD Logo and tag-line evaluation committee (2019)
    • Republic day tableau design committee (2019)



  • administration


    departmental Administration

    •     Department of design concept note committee convener (2018-19)
    •     M. Des program coordinator (2016-2020)
    •     M. Des curriculum revision committee convener (2016-17)
    •     M.Des Placement Coordinator (2012-20)
    •     M.Des Admission Coordinator (2012-21)
    •     Departmental faculty board convener (2012-2015)


    Institute Administration

    •     BAP member (2019-2021)
    •     Brca president (2015- 2020)
    •     open house (2012-15)
    •    brca vice president (2012-13)
    •     Brca club president (Dance and drama, 2011-12)


    Institute Level Committee Member of

    •     Committee to recommend Convocation Awards and Prizes to be given during Convocation 2020
    •     Committee to outline the programme of Gandhi Jayanti, 2020 celebration
    •     Diamond jubilee committee 2020
    •     IIT Delhi vision committee
    •     convocation committee (2015-2020)
    •     Raa nodal officer- iitd
    •     Institute vision committee (2017-2018)


    Student Research committee

    •     Anchal Sharma
    •     Gulshan Kumar
    •     Gouri Naik
    •     Shivam Jaiswal
    •     Kanika Jolly
    •     Sachin Tanwar
    •     Ganesh S.
    •     Rajas Phophale
    •     Rahul Tirpude
    •     Amav Kumar Tripathy
    •     Vishal Shrivastava
    •     Amit Patel



Jyoti Kumar

Associate Professor

Department of Design

UX Lab/ Social Innovation Lab/ Divine Lab

Neurophysiological CRF



  • About Myself


    I research and teach User Experience (UX) design. I approach all entities from an experiential perspective. In my understanding, everything that exists has no other purpose than to provide an experience. I wish to understand and design human experiences. I play several different roles at DoD IITD. Some of my roles are:

    I research. Being a researcher is like being an ant, nibbling the mountain of sugar, tasting and enjoying it. The mountain I am nibbling is the study of human consciousness. I wonder how the physiological and psychological structures have been created in humans that lead to different experiences. Every time I crack a bit of this underlying structure and I enjoy it, I publish for others to know about it. Some of my publications are shared on this page for your perusal.

    I design. Being a designer is like being a tiny little confident god. Creating things from intuitive confidence and realising next possibilities upon creation. I design products, mostly digital products. but some physical as well. I offer these products as consultancy services.

    I teach. Being a teacher is like completing a full circle. It’s like holding your child in your arms and remembering where you started. It is the joy of starting the journey of knowledge again with a new learner. Exploring the possibilities of knowledge every time afresh along with a new learner. The journey of learning to my mind is understanding, designing, living, experiencing, fulfilling and finally getting to the mental state of surrendered service as the pure joy of being alive. The objective of my teaching is to complete this full circle with as many willing individuals as possible.

    I manage. I manage a UX lab at DoD IITD. With UG, PG and research students, I study human experiences from a neurophysiological perspective. We study the cognitive, affective and aesthetic experiences of digital and physical products using neuroscience. A brief of our lab's assets are mentioned below. I also manage a social innovation lab called DIVINE lab (Design and Innovation in Villagepreneurs' Indigenous Network Ecosystem). The lab studies new entrepreneurial possibilities using design thinking in the rural Indian context.

    I collaborate. I love to collaborate with like minded people on the broad topic of UX design. Please do drop a mail if you have an idea to work upon. There is always room for well-meaning people and bright ideas at UX lab.


    My current research interests are in following topics:


    1. Design Academics of User Experience

    How can UX design be taught across the educational system in Indian cultural context ? How can aesthetic sensitivity, colour sensitivity, user centred empathy and other design competencies, essential for UX design profession, be taught to young (and not so young) ? How can UX design ethics be taught ? How to assess the improvements in each competency ? What are the societal impacts of UX design ? How to study the societal impacts of the UX design academics ?


    2. UX Design Thinking for Rural Entrepreneurs

    What are the opportunities for UX design professionals in rural entrepreneurial ecosystem ? How to enhance rural entrepreneurial ecosystem of India through UX design thinking ?  Study of UX research methods for Indian rural ecosystems, design competency enhancement of rural youth, design of early childhood educational tools for rural India etc.


    3. Yogic neuroscience of value based design

    Modern cognitive neuroscience is facing limitations in explaining some of the human faculties related to consciousness. Ancient yogic neuroscience had models of some of these aspects like Samskara (Motivational analysis of the cognitive processes as described in Puranas and Itihassas), Rasotpatti (Evocation of emotions as per Natya Shastra of Bharata Muni), Saundaryanubhuti (Aesthetic experience of divine as in Saundarya lahri of Sri Shankaracharya) etc. UX lab at IITD is studying some of these ancient models in context of value based design for future world. For example, we are exploring how a designer's ideation process gets affected by his or her samskaras (value systems) ? How yogic lifestyles influences the decision making process and choice behaviours in product consumption process ? How creative processes of designers get value biased ?

  • Academic Background



    Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India

    Thesis Title: Comparative Study of User's Experiential Data Collection Techniques For Human Computer Interaction Design In Cross Cultural Settings

    PhD Supervisor: Prof. Pradeep Yammiyavar

    2004 – 2008


    B.Des. (Bachelor of Design),

    Department of Design,

    Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India

    1998 – 2002


    School (Std 1-12th)

    St. Michael's High School,

    Digha, Patna, Bihar, India

  • Industry Experience


     CE Lead,

     Human Factors International,

     2008 – 2010,

     Puducherry, India


     Design Consultant,

     Kamyab Infotech Limited,

     2002 - 2004

     New Delhi, India

  • Courses Taught

    • 2023-2024

      Design For Usability

      Elements Of Design

    • 2022-2023

      • Design For User Experience
      • Exploratory Design Methods
      • Special Module On Inner Development 1
      • Design For Usability
    • 2021-2022

      • Design For User Experience
      • Special Module On Inner Development 1
      • Design For Usability
      • Design For User Experience
      • Design For Usability
    • 2020-2021

      • Design For User Experience
      • Design In Indian Context
    • 2019-2020

      • Design For Usability
      • Design For User Experience
      • Design Project
      • Form And Aesthetics
    • 2018-2019

      • Summer Internship
      • Industry/Research Design Project
      • Framework Of Design
      • Profe. Ethics & Social Resp.
      • Social Immersion
      • Design For User Experience
    • 2017-2018

      • Design For User Experience
      • Framework Of Design
      • Media Studies
      • Applied_Ergonomics
      • Social Immersion
      • Design For Usability
      • Profe. Ethics & Social Resp.
    • 2016-2017

      • Framework Of Design
      • Social Immersion
      • Design For User Experience
      • Design For Usability
      • Applied Ergonomics
      • Design In Indian Context
      • Special Module In Design
    • 2015-2016

      • Advanced Form Studies
      • Media Studies
      • Framework Of Design
      • Profe. Ethics & Social Resp.
      • Design For Usability
      • Applied Ergonomics
    • 2014-2015

      • Framework Of Design
      • Applied Ergonomics
      • Advanced Form Studies
      • Profe. Ethics & Social Resp.
      • Seminar (Product In Usage)
      • Studies In Product Config & Detailing
      • Invited Faculty Seminars
      • Profe. Ethics & Social Resp.
    • 2013-2014

      • Framework Of Design
      • Applied Ergonomics
      • Advanced Form Studies
      • Profe. Ethics & Social Resp.
      • Studies In Product Config & Detailing
      • Invited Faculty Seminars
      • Profe. Ethics & Social Resp.
    • 2012-2013

      • Framework of Design
      • Applied Ergonomics
      • Advanced Form Studies
      • Studies In Product Config & Detailing
    • 2011-2012

      • Framework of Design
      • Applied Ergonomics
      • Advanced_Form_Studies
      • Adv. Materials Mfg. Process and Finishes
      • Studies_In_Product_Config&Detailing
      • Animation
  • Publications


    • Nitesh Sharma, Jyoti Kumar, Patel, V., & Rahul Garg, (2024). Impact of Gayatri Sadhana Camp on Stress and Well-being Parameters: A Mixed-method Study. Journal of Applied Consciousness Studies, 12(1), 24-32.


    • Pawan Pagaria, Abhijeet Kujur, & Jyoti Kumar (2023, June). Design and Assessment of a Tool for Improving Creativity and Imagination in School Children. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 631-641). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
    • Pawan Pagaria, Surbhi Pratap, Abhishek Dahiya, & Jyoti Kumar (2023, January). Preparing Indian Children for 21st Century Through Design Education: Results from Workshops in Delhi Govt Schools. In International Conference on Research into Design (pp. 825-835). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
    • Christy Vivek Gogu, Pawan Pagaria, & Jyoti Kumar (2023, January). Collaborative Work in Design Education: Industry 4.0 Assisted Incubator for Creativity, Co-Learning, and Connectedness. In International Conference on Research into Design (pp. 557-568). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
    • Niki Choudhury, Jyoti Kumar (2023). Investigation of Chromatic Perception of School Children During HCI in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. HCI International 2023 Posters. HCII 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1834. Springer, Cham.
    • Abhijeet Kujur, Naveen Kumar, & Jyoti Kumar (2023, January). Who to Blame—User Interface Design or Learning Content? A Neurophysiological UX Assessment of e-learning Process. In International Conference on Research into Design (pp. 661-672). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
    • Abhijeet Kujur, Sadaf H.Khan, Jyoti Kumar (2023). Neurophysiological UX Evaluation of Industry 4.0 Technologies: E-commerce, e-learning Websites, and VR Simulation. In International Conference on Research into Design (pp. 689–700). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.Investigating Experiential Wellbeing using EEG, Pupillometry and Psychogalvanic Sensors in VR of Built Environments
    • Aarati Prakash Khare, Abhijeet Kujur, Greeshma Sharma, & Jyoti Kumar (2023, January). Proposal of an e-learning Evaluation Model for Online Design Courses and Its Psychogalvanic Validation. In International Conference on Research into Design (pp. 673-687). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
    • Sanju Ahuja, Jyoti Kumar (2023). Ethics as Child’s Play: Sensitizing Children Early On about Design Ethics. 9th International Conference on Research into Design (ICoRD '23), Bengaluru, India.
    • Animesh Singh, Sanju Ahuja, Jyoti Kumar (2023). Courselect: Motivation-Centric Course Recommendation for University Students. 9th International Conference on Research into Design (ICoRD '23), Bengaluru, India.
    • Surbhi Pratap, Abhishek Dahiya, Shaurya Rawat, & Jyoti Kumar (2023, January). Online Education in India: Challenges and Opportunities. In International Conference on Research into Design (pp. 741-750). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
    • Chirag Rajyaguru, Pooja Sahni, Manvi Jain, Rohit Pandey, Jyoti Kumar (2023). Can Children Be Taught Values Using Game Designs? Insights from a Neurophysiological Experimental Study with Children. In: Chakrabarti, A., Singh, V. (eds) Design in the Era of Industry 4.0, Volume 1. ICORD 2023. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 343. Springer, Singapore.
    • Jyoti Kumar, Greeshma Sharma, Rohit Pandey, (2023). Sociocultural Returns of Aesthetics Education: A Yogic Neurodesign Framework. In: Chakrabarti, A., Singh, V. (eds) Design in the Era of Industry 4.0, Volume 3. ICORD 2023. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 346. Springer, Singapore.
    • Sunny Bairisal, Greeshma Sharma, Abhijeet Kujur, & Jyoti Kumar (2023). Time-course analysis of cognitive evaluation in aesthetic appreciation.
    • Mannu Brahmi, Greeshma Sharma, Sutapa Goswami, Jyoti kumar (2023). Indian Human Values Talk About Cognitive Empathy as Well: An Exploration of ‘Anekantavada’ in the Light of Empathy-Altruism Hypothesis. Mind, Brain, and Consciousness Conference, (pp. 164-349). Indian Knowledge System and Mental Health Applications (IKSMHA) Centre, IIT Mandi.


    • Pawan Pagaria, Gupta, N., & Jyoti Kumar (2022). Exposure of Design Education to School Students: A Case Study.
    • Christy Vivek Gogu, & Jyoti Kumar (2022). Social Media: Enabling Inconspicuous Blended Learning In Design Education In India. In Ds 117: Proceedings Of The 24Th International Conference On Engineering And Product Design Education (E&Pde 2022), London South Bank University In London, Uk. 8Th-9Th September 2022.
    • Sadaf H.Khan, Abhijeet Kujur, & Jyoti Kumar. A PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL iNVESTIGATION OF EMOTIONS EXPERIENCED IN A VIRTUAL REALITY 3D-LEARNING SIMULATION. International Conferences Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2022 and Game and Entertainment Technologies 2022.
    • Abhijeet Kujur, Sadaf H.Khan, & Jyoti Kumar (2022). Evaluating Learning Experience And Emotional Triggers Of Virtual Learning Environments (Vles) Using Psychogalvanic Reflexes And Behavioural Analysis. In Ds 117: Proceedings Of The 24Th International Conference On Engineering And Product Design Education (E&Pde 2022), London South Bank University In London, Uk. 8Th-9Th September 2022.
    • Abhijeet Kujur, Aditi Bhattacharya, Greeshma Sharma, & Jyoti Kumar (2022, November). Prediction of Workload under Distraction using Supervised Learning Algorithms. In 2022 3rd International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Intelligent Computing Techniques (ICICT) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
    • Sanju Ahuja, Jyoti Kumar (2022). Conceptualizations of User Autonomy within the Normative Evaluation of Dark Patterns. Ethics & Information Technology, 24, 52.
    • Sanju Ahuja, Jyoti Kumar (2022). Ethical Aspects of Health Sensing Applications in E-Textiles. 4th International Conference on the Challenges, Opportunities, Innovations and Applications in Electronic Textiles (E-Textiles 2022), Nottingham, United Kingdom.
    • Sanju Ahuja, Jyoti Kumar (2022). ‘Assistant’ or ‘Master’: Envisioning the User Autonomy Implications of Virtual Assistants. 4th International Conference on Conversational User Interfaces (CUI ’22), Glasgow, United Kingdom.
    • Sanju Ahuja, Jyoti Kumar (2022). A Framework for Ethics Education in Persuasive UX Design. 16th International Conference on Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction (IHCI '22), Lisbon, Portugal.
    • Nitesh Sharma, Pooja Sahni, Sharma, U. S., Jyoti Kumar, & Rahul Garg, (2022). Effect of yoga on the stress, anxiety, and depression of COVID-19-positive patients: a quasi-randomized controlled study. International Journal of Yoga Therapy, 32(2022), Article-8.


    • Sanju Ahuja, Jyoti Kumar (2021). The Influence of Business Incentives and Attitudes on Ethics Discourse in the Information Technology Industry. Philosophy & Technology, 34, 941-966.
    • Abhishek Dahiya, & Jyoti Kumar (2021). Effect of user information on conceptual design thinking: A linkographic study. Journal of Design Thinking, 2(2), 97-112.
    • Pooja Sahni, & Jyoti Kumar (2021). Exploring the relationship of human–nature interaction and mindfulness: a cross-sectional study. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 24(5), 450-462.
    • Surbhi Pratap, & Jyoti Kumar (2021). What Does the HCI Design Industry Expect from an Entrant? Findings from Interviews with Indian UX Design Team Leads. In Design for Tomorrow—Volume 1: Proceedings of ICoRD 2021 (pp. 363-373). Springer Singapore.
    • Surbhi Pratap, Abhishek Dahiya, & Jyoti Kumar (2021, July). From Studios to Laptops: Challenges in Imparting Design Education Virtually. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 507-516). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
    • Priyanka Rai, Prakhar Verma, Abhishek Dahiya, & Jyoti Kumar (2022). Factors affecting product design process in traditional societies: a thematic content analysis of novice designers' self-reports. International Journal of Business and Systems Research, 16(2), 240-258.
    • Tiwari A, Kujur A, Kumar J, Joshi D. Investigating the Effect of Real-Time Center of Pressure (CoP) Feedback Training on the Swing Phase of Lower Limb Kinematics in Transfemoral Prostheses with SACH foot. J Biomech Eng. 2021 Dec 24. doi: 10.1115/1.4053364. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34951460.
    • Amalkrishna P.S., Surabhi Pratap, Jyoti Kumar. Observing the Influence of Cultural Differences Within India on User Experience of an E-Commerce Application: An Experimental Investigation. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (2021).
    • Jyoti Kumar, Abhishek Dahiya, Prakhar Verma, Priyanka Rai. Factors affecting product design process in traditional societies: A thematic content analysis of novice designers self reports (2021).
    • Christy Vivek Gogu, Jyoti Kumar, Social Connectedness and Online Design Education Outcome: A Relationship Model. HCII Conference (2021).
    • Sanju Ahuja, Jyoti Kumar, How Ethical are Persuasive Design Practices? A Proposal for Assessment of Ethics in HCI Design. 8th International Conference on Research into Design (ICoRD'21), Mumbai (2021).
    • Christy Vivek Gogu, Jyoti Kumar, Social Connectedness in Online versus Face to face Design Education:  A comparative study in India. 8th International Conference on Research into Design (ICoRD'21), Mumbai (2021)
    • Christy Vivek Gogu, Jyoti Kumar (2021). Student Experience of Perceived Connectedness in Online Design Education. In: Grierson, Hilary; Bohemia, Erik; Buck, Lyndon (eds) Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE 2021), VIA Design, VIA University in Herning, Denmark. Continuity and Adaptability in Design and Engineering Education.
    • Christy Vivek Gogu, Jyoti Kumar (2021). Social Connectedness and Online Design Learning Experience in the Indian Context. Design and Technology Education: an International Journal, 26(3), 325-340.



    • Sunny Bairisal, Abhijeet Kujur, & Jyoti Kumar (2020). Response time differences in the aesthetic judgment of individuals on beautiful and ugly images. International Journal of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences Studies, 5(11), 19-29.
    • Abhishek Dahiya, & Jyoti Kumar (2020). Direct user behavior data leads to better user centric thinking than role playing: An experimental study on HCI design thinking. In HCI International 2020–Late Breaking Posters: 22nd International Conference, HCII 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 19–24, 2020, Proceedings, Part I 22 (pp. 11-18). Springer International Publishing.
    • Abhishek Dahiya, Abhijeet Kujur, & Jyoti Kumar (2020, July). A neurophysiological investigation of design thinking process in human-computer interaction design. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2020 and 13th International Conference on Game and Entertainment Technologies 2020.
    • Pooja Sahni, & Jyoti Kumar (2020). Effect of nature experience on fronto-parietal correlates of neurocognitive processes involved in directed attention: An ERP study. Annals of Neurosciences, 27(3-4), 136-147.
    • Surbhi Pratap, & Jyoti Kumar (2020). CIAM: a new assessment model to measure culture’s influence on websites. In Cross-Cultural Design. Applications in Health, Learning, Communication, and Creativity: 12th International Conference, CCD 2020, Held as Part of the 22nd HCI International Conference, HCII 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 19–24, 2020, Proceedings, Part II 22 (pp. 389-408). Springer International Publishing.
    • Sunny Bairisal, & Jyoti Kumar (2020). Response time differences in the aesthetic judgment of individuals on beautiful and ugly images. International Journal of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences Studies, 5(11), 19-29.
    • Sanju Ahuja, Jyoti Kumar, Surveillance based Persuasion: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. 4th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications (CHIRA'20), (Virtual) Budapest (2020).
    • Sanju Ahuja, Jyoti Kumar, The Influence of Business Incentives and Attitudes on Ethics Discourse in the Information Technology Industry. Philosophy & Technology.
    • Abhishek Dahiya, Abhijeet Kujur, Jyoti Kumar (2020). A Neurophysiological investigation of Design Thinking process in Human Computer Interaction Design.
    • Surbhi Pratap, Abhishek Dahiya, Jyoti Kumar (2020). From Studios to Laptops: Challenges in Imparting Design Education Virtually.
    • Surbhi Pratap, Jyoti Kumar (2020, July). CIAM: A New Assessment Model to Measure Culture’s Influence on Websites. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 389-408). Springer, Cham.
    • Abhishek Dahiya, Jyoti Kumar (2020). User centric data shaping designer centric creativity: Observations from experimental study. 10.13140/RG.2.2.35755.26409.
    • Pooja Sahni and Jyoti Kumar. Effect of Nature Experience on Fronto-parietal Correlates of Neurocognitive Processes involved in Directed Attention: An ERP study.’ Annal of Neurosciences, Sage Publications
    • Pooja Sahni and Jyoti Kumar ( 2020) Re-exploring the relationship of Human-Nature Interaction and Mindfulness:  An experimental study’, Journal of Mental health, Religion, and Culture, (under review)
    • Jyoti Kumar and Surbhi Pratap. "Detriments to Cultural Sensitivity in HCI Design Processes: Insights from Practitioners’ Experiences in India". International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Springer, Cham, 2020.



    • Surbhi Pratap, & Jyoti Kumar (2019). A dimensional analysis across India to study how national cultural diversity affects website designs. In Research into Design for a Connected World: Proceedings of ICoRD 2019 Volume 2 (pp. 653-664). Springer Singapore.
    • Pooja Sahni and Jyoti Kumar (2019) ‘Neuro-Cognitive Effects of Nature Experience’, The Science of Consciousness, Interlaken, Switzerland, 2019, Switzerland
    • Abhishek Dahiya, Jyoti Kumar (2019). Observations on Design Thinking in Novice Designers While Empathizing With Persona. In Handbook of Research on Human-Computer Interfaces and New Modes of Interactivity (pp. 21-39). IGI Global.
    • Naveen Kumar, Jyoti Kumar (2019). Efficiency 4.0 for Industry 4.0. Human Technology. 15. 55-78. 10.17011/ht/urn.201902201608.
    • Sunny Bairisal, Jyoti Kumar (2019). Design and Development of a New Instrument for Measuring Aesthetic Sensitivity: Proceedings of ICoRD 2019 Volume 2. 10.1007/978-981-13-5977-4_24.
    • Surbhi Pratap, Jyoti Kumar (2019). A Dimensional Analysis Across India to Study How National Cultural Diversity Affects Website Designs: Proceedings of ICoRD 2019 Volume 2. 10.1007/978-981-13-5977-4_55.
    • Vinod Kotwal, Satya Santosh, Naik Satya, Abhishek Dahiya, Jyoti Kumar (2019). Street Food Cart Design: a critical component of Food Safety. Rural Technology Development and Delivery.
    • Abhishek Dahiya, Jyoti Kumar (2019). Do Design Outcomes Get Influenced by Type of User Data? An Experimental Study with Primary and Secondary User Research Data. 191-197. 10.1007/978-3-030-02053-8_30.



    • Pooja Sahni and Jyoti Kumar (2018) ‘Nature and Brain : Integrated Study of Inner Experience and Brain Oscillations’,The Science of Consciousness, University of Arizona, Tuscon, Arizona, USA
    • Abhishek Dahiya, Jyoti Kumar, ग्रामीण आवास के लिए सूचना और संचार प्रौद्योगिकी का उपयोग (2018), Jigaysa Patrika, IIT Delhi Press:
    • Abhishek Dahiya, Jyoti Kumar, What motivates rural entrepreneurs? Findings from a qualitative study in Raigarh, Maharashtra,1st International Conference of Rural Technology Action Group (RuTAG), (2018), IIT Delhi.
    • Abhishek Dahiya, Jyoti Kumar(2018), Innovation through Novelty and Aesthetics for increasing profit and product acceptance in handicraft products: A Case Study with Marble Products, 1st International Conference of Rural Technology Action Group (RuTAG), IIT Delhi.
    • Abhishek Dahiya, Jyoti Kumar (2018), How Empathizing with persona helps in design thinking: An experimental study with novice designers, 12th International Conference on Interfaces and Human-Computer Interaction, Madrid, Spain.
    • Jyotish Kumar, Jyoti Kumar. (2018, October). Investigation of Usability Issues through Physiological Tools: An Experimental Study with Tourism Websites. In International Conference on Human Systems Engineering and Design: Future Trends and Applications (pp. 365-371). Springer, Cham.
    • Sumer Singh, Jyoti Kumar, P. V. M Rao, (2018). Parameters for environmental impact assessment of product packaging: a Delphi study. Journal of Packaging Technology and Research, 2(1), 3-15.
    • Sumer Singh, Jyoti Kumar, P. V. M Rao, (2018). Environmental impact assessment framework for product packaging. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal.
    • Abhishek Dahiya, Jyoti Kumar, (2018). How empathizing with persona helps in design thinking: An experimental study with novice designers. In 12th International Conference on Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction.
    • Abhishek Dahiya, Jyoti Kumar, (2018). Use of information and communication technology (ICT) for rural housing.
    • Jyotish Kumar, Arati Prakash Khare & Jyoti Kumar, An Experimental Study to Evaluate Influence of usability on Learning Behaviour, 12th International Conference on Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2018 (IHCI 2018).



    • नवीन कुमार, ज्योति कुमार (2017), तकनिकी जटिलता के संज्ञानात्मक भार के तंत्रिका मापक: Jigaysa Patrika, IIT Delhi Press, pp- 31-35, ISBN:2349560
    • Pooja Sahni and Jyoti Kumar (2017) ‘ The  benefits of Eco- human interaction: Integrating Eastern  beliefs and Western Science ’,The Science of Consciousness, University of Arizona,Tuscon, San Deigo, USA



    • Naveen Kumar, Jyoti Kumar, (2016, March). Measurement of efficiency of auditory vs visual communication in HMI: A cognitive load approach. In 2016 International Conference on Advances in Human Machine Interaction (HMI) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.
    • Naveen Kumar, Jyoti Kumar (2016). Measurement of cognitive load in HCI systems using EEG power spectrum: an experimental study. Procedia Computer Science, 84, 70-78.
    • Naveen Kumar, V Maheshwari, Jyoti Kumar, (2016, March). A comparative study of user experience in online social media branding web pages using eye tracker. In 2016 international conference on advances in human machine interaction (HMI) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.
    • Pooja Sahni and Jyoti Kumar ( 2016) ‘ Nature relatedness and directed attention- an experimental study’, presented at NAOP Allahabad
    • Abhishek Dahiya, Jyoti Kumar, A New Approach to Interaction Design of ICT Systems as a Special Category of ill-defined Problems.
    • Sunny Bairisal, Naveen Kumar, Jyoti Kumar,. (2016). A Framework to Measure the Role of Users' Aesthetic Attitude in Visual Appreciation of ICT Products. Journal of Basic and Applied Engineering Research. 3. 2350-77.
    • Jitesh Khatri, Naveen Kumar, Jyoti Kumar,(2016, March). Product form design suggestion using soft computing. In 2016 International Conference on Advances in Human Machine Interaction (HMI) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
    • Jyotish Kumar, Jyoti Kumar (2016). Affective Modelling of Users in HCI Using EEG. Procedia Computer Science. 84. 107-114. 10.1016/j.procs.2016.04.073.



    • Naveen Kumar, Aarati Khare, Jyoti Kumar, (2015). A Framework for Combined Evaluation by Usability and User Experience in E-learning Systems. Advances in Computer Science and Information Technology (ACSIT). 2. 15-18.
    • Pooja Sahni,and Jyoti Kumar (2015) ‘Phenomenology of Higher Order Conscious Experiences and Spiritually Oriented Ecology’ In: Pratibha Rai, Prem Kumari Srivastava. Eds. ‘Spiritual Ecology and Sustainability: Practice and Confluence' ISBN 978-93-5207-386-3
    • Jyotish Kumar, Jyotish Kumar, (2015). Machine learning approach to classify emotions using GSR. Advanced Research in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2(12), 72-76.
    • Pooja Sahni,and Jyoti Kumar (2015), ‘Nature and Brain’, NIAS, IISc, Banglore  (Invited Young Scholar Award)
    • Aarati Khare, Jyoti Kumar, (2015). A framework for evaluation of e-learning applications in developing countries. Adv. Comput. Sci. Inf. Technol, 2, 62-67.
    • Jitesh Khatri and Jyoti Kumar, “Soft computing technique for product design suggestion in the smart manufacturing industry,” in Asian Review of Mechanical Engineering, 2015, pp. 38–42. https://doi:10.16962/elkapj/si.arimpie-2015.30



    • Naveen Kumar, Jyoti Kumar, (2013). A Framework for Human Efficiency Measurement in Advanced Manufacturing: HCI in INDUSTRY4. 0. Guwahati, India.



    • Hertzum Morten, Hornbæk, Kasper, Jyoti Kumar, Shi, Qingxin, Pradeep Yammiyavar, (2011). Personal usability constructs: How people construe usability across nationalities and stakeholder groups. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 27(8), 729-761.



    • Jiang, Yun, Sun, Xianghong, Li Huiyang, Pradeep Yammiyavar, Jyoti Kumar, Hertzum M. Clemmensen, T. (2009). A cross-cultural study of how usability professionals experience the usability of everyday systems.



    • Pradeep Yammiyavar, Torkil Clemmensen, Jyoti Kumar (2008). Influence of cultural background on non-verbal communication in a usability testing situation. International Journal of Design, 2(2).



    • Shi Qingxin, Jyoti Kumar, Li Huiyang, Sun, Xianghong, Pradeep Yammiyavar (July 2007). Cultural usability tests–How usability tests are not the same all over the world. In International Conference on Usability and Internationalization (pp. 281-290). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
    • Hertzum Morten, Hornbæ Kasper, Jyoti Kumar, Shi Qingxin, Pradeep Yammiyavar  (2007) Usability Constructs: A Cross-Cultural Study of How Users and Developers Experience Their Use of Information Systems. In: Aykin N. (eds) Usability and Internationalization. HCI and Culture. UI-HCII 2007. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 4559. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
    • Jyoti Kumar, Nielsen Janni, Pradeep Yammiyavar (2007). Tracing Cognitive Processes for Usability Evaluation: A Cross Cultural Mind Tape Study. In International Conference on Usability and Internationalization (pp. 336-345). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.10.1007/978-3-540-73287-7_41.
    • Jyoti Kumar, Pradeep Yammiyavar, Nielsen Janni (2007). Mind Tape technique-a usability evaluation method for tracing cognitive processes in cross cultural settings. Eminds, 1(3), 83-99.
    • Hertzum Morten, Clemmensen T. Hornboek, Jyoti Kumar, Shi Qingxin, Pradeep Yammiyavar (2007). Part II-International and Intercultural Usability-Usability Constructs: A Cross-Cultural Study of How Users and Developers Experience Their Use of Information Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4559, 317-326.
    • Pradeep Yammiyavar, Clemmensen T. Jyoti Kumar (2007, July). Analyzing non-verbal cues in Usability Evaluation Tests. In International Conference on Usability and Internationalization Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 4559. 462-471. 10.1007/978-3-540-73287-7_55.



    • Nielsen Janni, Kumar, Jyoti Kumar, Pradeep Yammiyavar (2006). Designing HCI Techniques Targeting Cultural Diversity. DHRS 2006, 45.
    • Pradeep Yammiyavar and Jyoti Kumar, Use, User, Usability: Bounded rationality perspectives in cross cultural framework. Proceedings - Indo –Danish HCI Research Symposium 14th –15th May 2006, Department of Design, IIT Guwahati



  • PhD Students

    Completed PhDs

    Ongoing PhDs

    Abhijeet Kujur

    Phd Thesis Title: Development of Neurophysiological model for UX assessment of e-learning platforms

    Research Area: Pysiological signals, Affective Computing

    Human-Information Interaction




    Phd Thesis Title: User Experience design guidelines for cultural suitability of designs for Indian users

    Research Area: UI/UX design process, Cross cultural analysis, Cultural aspects of interactive products, Design guidelines


    Sanju Ahuja

    Phd Thesis Title: Outsourcing Human Autonomy: Ethics Assessment of Persuasive Information Technologies

    Research Area: Human-Information Interaction, Cognitive Neuroscience, Decision Making




    Phd Thesis Title: Understanding Impact of user Information on Design Thinking for HCI Products.

    Research Area: User centered design, User research, Design thinking

    Design creativity, UI/UX design.




    Phd Thesis Title: Design and development of metrics of aesthetics for designed products.





    Year of PhD awarded: 2021

    Phd Thesis Title: Development of Physiological Signal Based Affective Markers for UX Testing of HCI Products.


    Jitesh Kumar Khatri

    Year of PhD awarded: 2021

    Thesis Title: An Exploratory Study on Soft Computing Assisted Product Design for Indian Children using Anthropometric Data


    Rajpal Singh Mann

    Year of PhD awarded: 2021

    Thesis Title: Effect of Environment and Human Factors on Tactile Perception



    POOJA Sahni

    Year of PhD awarded: 2020

    PhD Thesis Title: Modeling the Neuro-psycho- cognitive Effects of Nature Experience.



    Sumer Singh

    Year of PhD awarded: 2019

    Thesis TitleA Framework for Environmental Impact Assessment of Product Packaging



    Year of PhD awarded: 2019





    Year of PhD awarded: 2018

    Thesis Title: Development of User's Cognitive Load Centric Methodology for HCI Based Control Panel Design


    Huidrom Lokeshwor Singh

    Year of PhD awarded: 2012

    Thesis Title: An Improved Method for Automated Evaluation of Road Surface Distresses Using Video Image Based Techniques.


    Prakriti Joshi

    Phd Thesis Title: Studies with HCI based pedagogical tools from UX perspective.

    Research Area: User Experience Design, Human-Computer Interaction, Pedagogical Tools, Educational Technology, Accessibility


    Richa Kapur


    Phd Thesis Title: UX for Education

    Research Area: UX for Education, UI/UX Design, Visual Communication, Graphics.



    Ashok Shetty

    Phd Thesis Title: A study on integration of AI technologies in UX methods

    Research Area: Artificial Intelligence, UX Methods & Frameworks, Design Thinking, User Research



    Ashish Majumdar

    Phd Thesis Title: A study on embedding user-centricity in strategic mandates and development processes for HCI Products, using AI Interventions.


    Research Area: HCI, AI, Design thinking, User Centric


    Rajas Phopale

    Phd Thesis Title: Impact of emerging mobility technology on formal design of two wheeled mobility products.

    Research Area: Emerging mobility, techno symbiosis, automotive styling, HMI, Design thinking, user centric research.


    Naveen Kumar

    Phd Thesis Title: Development of Digital Design Guidelines for Rural Skilling in India

    Research Area: Digital Design Guidelines for Rural Skilling Platform | National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF) Design | Social Entrepreneurship Model Design


    Christy Vivek Gogu

    Phd Thesis Title: Product Design, Design Pedagogy, Social Connectedness, Social Design, Design for Community, Design Education

    Research Area: Design and Social Connect


    Pawan Pagaria

    Phd Thesis Title: Development of tools to enhance Design Thinking in school children.



    Mannu Brahmi

    Phd Thesis Title: Modulation of inter-individual differences  in number and language processing by empathy an values- in Indian and SDG 4.7 context

    Research Area:


    Nitesh Sharma

    Phd Thesis Title: Psycho-Neurophysiological study of Gayatri Mantra Meditation



    Sneha Maji

    Phd Thesis Title: Gamification of Design Pedagogy of Indian Aesthetics




    Sadaf Haleem Khan

    Phd Thesis Title:

    Research Area: Educational Space Design Methodologies with emphasis on Psychological Well-being/ Architectural Psychology


    Niki Choudhury

    Phd Thesis Title: UX Heuristics for AR/VR/MR

    Research Area: Colour Psychology, AR/VR, Fashion, Footwear Design & Innovation, Education Design, Form & Aesthetics


    Rohit Pandey

    Phd Thesis Title:

    Research Area: Yoga



  • RESEARCH AND consultancy projects


    consultancy Projects

    • Assessment And Certificaiton Of Yogyata Courses (2022)
    • Assessment Of Aspiration Survey (2023)
    • Assessment Of Csc Olympiad (2022)
    • Cognitive Load Assessment Of Accessbility To Infotainment Keyboard While Driving. (2022)
    • Course Material Development (2020)
    • CSC sponsored design and innovation lab at DoD (2021)
    • Curriculum Development For Csc Bal Vidyalaya (Remaining 360 Days) (2023)
    • Design And Development Of Learning Management System (2023)
    • Design Assistance And Content Development For Yogyata App (2021)
    • Design Awareness Workshop in Himachal Pradesh Assorted Manufacturing Cluster (2012)
    • Design For Automatic Smart Card Recharger (2014)
    • Development And Delivery Of Specialized Education In Digital Media And Design Curriculum For High End 21St Century Skills Sos” (2022)
    • Documentation of HFI Framework (2011)
    • Evaluation of Usability Testing Methods for E-learning (2012)
    • Impact Assessment Of Atal Tikering Labs Implemented By IBM (2022)
    • Impact Assessment Of Digigaon (2019)
    • Impact Assessment Of Digital Villages (2019)
    • Impact Assessment Of Digitize India Platform (2019)
    • Impact Assessment Of E-Lakshyvahini In Haryana State (2021)
    • Impact Assessment Of E-Skilling On Futuristic Skills Through Common Service Centers Under Csr Activity (2021)
    • Impact Assessment Of Mission Karam Yogi Program (2023)
    • Impact Assessment Of Usha Silai School Programm (2022)
    • Impact assessment study for skilling of persons with disabilities (2018)
    • Impact Assessment Study In Table Usage In Csc Bal Vidyalyas (2022)
    • Impact Assessment Study On Digital Village Project Implemented By Csc For Meity (2024)
    • MI from Additional funds from CSC for CSC Bal Vidyalaya  (2021)
    • Neurophysiological Study and Design Suggestions for EV Display Design (2024)
    • Setting uo a Knowledge Network on Rural Housing (2011)
    • Social Innovation For Women Entrepreneurship (2017)
    • Study of social emotional competencies during early childhood (2021)
    • Swades Foundation – Agriculture Technology Assessment & Ecosystem Study (2015)
    • Thinking Workshop On Usage Of Technology In Bal Vidyalaya (2022)
    • Training UX Professional at HFI (2012)
    • Unicare Lifeline Design And Computational Testing (2021)
    • Your Personal Sports Assistant (2019)
  • outreach ACTIVITIES


     conferences organized:

    • ux now (2016)
    • India hci (2014)
    • ux now


     Invited Talks:

    • Social immersion as a design thinking tool’ at AICTE faculty development program on  "Cognitive skills and design thinking", 27-31 March 2021, Department of Information Technology, J&K.
    • Introduction to Human Computer Interaction Design, AICTE faculty development program onHuman centred computing, Feb 15-19, 2021, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Gauhati University
    • Digital msme Delhi panel discussion (2020)
    • ux now (2019)
    • Saas design (2019)
    • Human Factors International


     national level committee member of:

    • member of constituting Committee for evaluation of performance for National Awards-2019 for PMAY-G (2019)
    • MHRD Logo and tag-line evaluation committee (2019)
    • Republic day tableau design committee (2019)



  • administration


    departmental Administration

    •     Department of design concept note committee convener (2018-19)
    •     M. Des program coordinator (2016-2020)
    •     M. Des curriculum revision committee convener (2016-17)
    •     M.Des Placement Coordinator (2012-20)
    •     M.Des Admission Coordinator (2012-21)
    •     Departmental faculty board convener (2012-2015)


    Institute Administration

    •     BAP member (2019-2021)
    •     Brca president (2015- 2020)
    •     open house (2012-15)
    •    brca vice president (2012-13)
    •     Brca club president (Dance and drama, 2011-12)


    Institute Level Committee Member of

    •     Committee to recommend Convocation Awards and Prizes to be given during Convocation 2020
    •     Committee to outline the programme of Gandhi Jayanti, 2020 celebration
    •     Diamond jubilee committee 2020
    •     IIT Delhi vision committee
    •     convocation committee (2015-2020)
    •     Raa nodal officer- iitd
    •     Institute vision committee (2017-2018)


    Student Research committee

    •     Anchal Sharma
    •     Gulshan Kumar
    •     Gouri Naik
    •     Shivam Jaiswal
    •     Kanika Jolly
    •     Sachin Tanwar
    •     Ganesh S.
    •     Rajas Phophale
    •     Rahul Tirpude
    •     Amav Kumar Tripathy
    •     Vishal Shrivastava
    •     Amit Patel