ELL319 – Marks Distribution and Evaluation Policy

Theory - 75

  • MATLAB Assignments - 5

  • Minor 1 & 2 - 15 each

  • Major - 30

  • Surprise Test (best two out of three) - 10

  • Attendance would be via Timble. Students must have attendance >=75% if they want to audit.

Lab - 25

  • Experiments and regular reports - 10

  • Lab Project - 10

  • Attendance (For 10 lab sessions) - 5 if attendance >=9; 4 if attendance = 8; 3 if attend. = 7; 2 if attend. = 6; 1 if attend. = 5; and 0 otherwise.

Other Policies

  • Closed book exam

  • Course material that is covered in minors will also be part of the major exam

  • For auditing (NP grade) - minimum grade required is 'C-’ (provided attendance is >=75%).