Minor I results
The minor results are out and it is nothing spectacular: the average is close to36 and the standard deviation is 21. The maximum is 97 and the minimum is (you guessed it!) 0. More interesting is the stem-leaf plot of the results, which is given below. You read this plot as follows. The first column is the frequency, that is the number of students with marks in a particular range. For example, the second line says that there are 19 students with marks between 00 and 09 followed by the marks obtained by them. In this range the stem is 0 and the leaves could, in principle, vary between 0 and 9 although here we find that 5 students got 00 marks, one student got 03 marks, and 13 students got 05 marks. The third line has the number of students with marks in the range 10 to 19 and the marks they obtained and so on. n: 220
19 0 | 0000035555555555555
32 1 | 00000000001133333455555678888899
37 2 | 0000033333455555555566788888888888899
48 3 | 000000000000112333344455555556666666667778888899
33 4 | 000000001112333333555556667778899
17 5 | 00113344445556889
19 6 | 0023334555566677899
07 7 | 0034579
05 8 | 12237
03 9 | 257
Just in (Apr. 8, 2013): Minor II results
The minor performance this time is, in some sense, an improvement from the first. The average is over 45 (up by over 8) and the standard deviation is 17 (down by 4). More importantly, there are only 17 people with marks between 0 and 20 compared to 51 in the first minor. The highest is down to 84 (lower by 13!). Here is the stem-leaf plot of marks obtained by the 215 students who took the test. n: 215
07 0 | 0000288
10 1 | 0123668899
24 2 | 001112334455666667788899
36 3 | 001111122222233334444556677778889999
41 4 | 00011122233333334455566666777888889999999
50 5 | 00000111111122222222222233445555555677788888889999
34 6 | 0000111122222233444455566667777999
10 7 | 0012234679
03 8 | 014