Mr.V. kumar (IVS Noble solution), Prof. R. J. Ball, Prof M. khare ,Prof. R. Kirchania, Prof. K. Paine & Dr. S. Bhalla. Workshop on Green Bldg & Sustainable techniologies.

7 Dec 2013, see more pics

Prof. Kevin Paine, Prof. Richard J.Ball, Dr.S.Bhalla, Dr.Appu Kuttan K.K.(Dir.MANIT,Bhopal),Prof.R.Kirchania & Mr.Vikash kr(IVS) Workshop on Green Building & Sustainable Technologies, 07 Dec 2013

Faculty and Participants of the Workshop on "Experimental Structural Dynamics, SHM & NDE"

26 Oct 2013, see more pics




Faculty and Participants of the Workshop on "Experimental Structural Dynamics, Structural Health Monitoring And Non-Destructive Evalutaion".

   09 March 2013




Dr. S. Bhalla, Prof. Raj Rao (Founder COMADEM, International, UK) and Prof. Raj Kumar Roy (Cranfield University) extreme right






With Prof. Andrew Ball, University of huddersfield, UK





A scenic view of the University of huddersfield, UK. June 2012





Prof. R. Kirchania, Prof. Kevin Paine, Dr. S. Bhalla and Prof. Richard Ball in Bath City, UK, June 2012





With Prof. Roger West (4th from left) at Trinity College, University of Dublin Ireland, June 2012






A view of the Trinity College, University of Dublin, Ireland, June 2012






A view of the Trinity College, University of Dublin, Ireland, June 2012







Prof. Roger West (Trinity College, University of Dublin) with Dr. Suresh Bhalla.







Prof.B. Bhattacharjee, Mr. S. K. Vij (Member Engineering, Indian Railways), Prof. A. K. Nagpal (Head Civil Engg.) and Dr. Suresh  Bhalla at inauguration of

National Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Non-Destructive Evaluation and Retrofitting of Structures, 07 March 2008.






Dr. Suresh  Bhalla, Prof. B. Bhattacharjee, Prof. T. K. Datta, Mr. Praveen Kumar, Prof. W. X. Ren and Prof. P. Banerji at closure of National Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Non-Destructive Evaluation and Retrofitting of Structures, 08 March 2008.



















Dr. S Bhalla with participants of NPEEE short course, "SPECTRAL ANALYSIS FOR SEISMIC RESPONSE OF STRUCTURES”, 04-09  December 2006.


Dr. S Bhalla with participants of the NPEEE short course,"RETROFITTING AND REHABILITATION OF STRUCTURES”, 03 December 2005.

Dr. S Bhalla and Prof. T.K.Datta during NPEEE short course, “RETROFITTING AND REHABILITATION OF STRUCTURES”, 03 December 2005.




Dr. S Bhalla with delegates from TNO during a seminar, November 2004





Prof. K. J. Bathe and Dr. S. Bhalla, June 2003




A view of MIT during 2nd MIT conference on Computational Fluid & Solid Mech, June 2003




A view of downtown Boston from MIT