EEL 829, I semester 2012-13

This is the the webpage for EEL 829, I semester 2012-13

Selected Topics in Advanced Control & Systems Theory - 1

Shaunak Sen
Lectures: TuWF 8:00-8:50am
Room: Block VI - 429

Course Description
EEL829 covers topics aimed at providing an introduction to dynamics. It is useful for students who wish to pursue work in control theory and/ or mathematical modeling with differential equations. In addition, this course will be beneficial to studies of electrical & biomolecular circuits, mechanics & physics (especially planetary dynamics) and the biological & chemical sciences.

The course will focus on basics of ordinary differential equations oriented towards applications in control and dynamical systems. Topics include: Equilibrium points & Stability, Oscillators & Limit cycles, Bifurcations, Perturbation & Averaging. Overview of Chaos, Non-normal growth and Control.


  • Course project presentations on Tue, 06.11.2012 and Fri, 09.11.2012 in Control Lab, BlockII-214 from 2-4PM.

Lecture Plan

  1. Linear systems, Classification of equilibria

  2. Existence & uniqueness, Linearization

  3. Stable, unstable & center manifolds, Lyapunov functions

  4. Limit cycles & Oscillations, van der Pol oscillator

  5. Poincare-Bendixson Theorem, Index theory

  6. Bifurcations: Saddle-node, Pitchfork, Transcritical, Hopf

  7. Perturbation & Averaging

    1. Regular perturbation

    2. Averaging theory

    3. Singular perturbations

  8. Overview of Chaos, Non-normal growth and Control


S. No. Date Topic Suggested Reading Homework
1 Week 1
(Jul 24, 25, 27)
Linear systems,
Classification of equilibria
Strogatz 5.1-5.2 HW1
2 Week 2
(Jul 31, Aug 1, 3)
Existence & Uniqueness
Strogatz 6.1-6.3 HW2
3 Week 3
(Aug 7, 8)
Stable, unstable & center manifolds Strogatz 6.4
4 Week 4
(Aug 14, 17)
Lyapunov functions,
Limit Cycles & Oscillations,
van der Pol oscillator
Strogatz 7.0-7.1 HW3
5 Week 5
(Aug 22, 24)
Poincare-Bendixson Theorem Strogatz 7.3 HW4
6 Week 6
(Aug 28, 29, 31)
Bifurcations: Saddle-node, Pitchfork,
Transcritical, Hopf
Strogatz 8.0-8.2
7 Week 7
(Sep 3 - MINOR TEST 1
Sep 5, 7)
MINOR TEST 1 Solutions
8 Week 8
(Sep 11, 12, 14)
Regular Perturbations Strogatz 7.6 (Pg 215-8)
Approximate solutions to van der Pol oscillator (.m file)
Variation of Parameters
Optional: Verhulst 9.1, Khalil 10.1-10.3
Example of resonance in bridges
9 Week 9
(Sep 18, 19)
Poincare-Lindstedt Method,
Singular Perturbations
Strogatz Ex 7.6.19,21
Optional: Verhulst 10.1, Khalil 11.1
10 Week 10
(Sep 25, 26, 28)
Singular Perturbations,
Strogatz Ex 7.6.25
Verhulst 11.1
11 Week 11
(Oct 3, 5)
Averaging Verhulst 11.2-11.3
12 Week 12
(Oct 8 - MINOR TEST 2
Oct 10, 12
MINOR TEST 2 Solutions
13 Week 13
(Oct 15, 16, 18)
Non-normal/ Transient Growth
14 Week 14
(Mid-Semester Break)
15 Week 15
(Oct 30, 31, Nov 2)
Lorenz and Rossler systems
Strogatz 9.3, 9.5, 12.3

Reference Textbooks

  • S. Strogatz, Nonlinear Dynamics And Chaos, Westview Press, 1994. ISBN: 978 —  0738204536

  • H. Khalil, Nonlinear Systems, Prentice Hall; 3rd edition, 2001. ISBN: 978 —  0130673893

  • F. Verhulst, Nonlinear Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, Springer; 2ed Edition, 1996. ISBN: 978 —  354060934

Older Announcements

  • 10.10.2012: MINOR TEST 2 answer books returned. Please note solutions.

  • 05.10.2012: MINOR TEST 2 scheduled for 11:00am-12:00pm on 08.10.2012. Room assignment is II-LT3. Please check Exam Schedule for up-to-date information.

  • 05.10.2012: HW6 solutions posted.

  • 26.09.2012: HW6 issued, due 03.10.2012. HW5 solutions. posted.

  • 18.09.2012: HW5 issued, due 25.09.2012.

  • 12.09.2012: Please note instructions from Associate Dean Academics (Curriculum) regarding the mid-semester feedback. Kindly complete the feedback online on the WBAMS (Wipro) system by 18.09.2012.

  • 05.09.2012: MINOR TEST 1 answer books returned. Please note solutions.

  • 31.08.2012: MINOR TEST 1 scheduled for 11:00am-12:00pm on 03.09.2012. Room assignment is II-LT3. Please check Exam Schedule for up-to-date information.

  • 31.08.2012: HW4 Solutions posted.

  • 28.08.2012: Lecture scheduled for 8:00-8:50am on 29.08.2012 will be held in the Control Lab (Block II - 214).

  • 27.08.2012: HW3 Solutions posted.

  • 24.08.2012: HW4 issued, due 31.08.2012.

  • 17.08.2012: HW3 issued, due 24.08.2012.

  • 15.08.2012: Note update to HW1 Solutions.

  • 05.08.2012: HW1 Solutions posted.

  • 03.08.2012: HW2 issued, due 14.08.2012 (note updated due date).

  • 27.07.2012: HW1 issued, due 03.08.2012.

  • 19.07.2012: Lectures in Block VI, Room 429.

  • 18.07.2012: Webpage online.