
Instructor, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

  • Optimal Control (II Semester 2023-24, ELL703)

  • Control Engineering (II Semester 2023-2024, ELL225)

  • Introduction to Electrical Engineering (Lab, II Semester 2023-2024, ELP101)

  • Multivariable Control (I Semester 2023-2024, ELL333)

  • Control Systems Laboratory (I Semester 2023-24, ELP800)

  • Multivariable Control (II Semester 2022-2023, ELL333)

  • Multivariable Control (I Semester 2022-2023, ELL333)

  • Control Engineering Lab (I Semester 2022-2023, ELP225)

  • Introduction to Electrical Engineering (Lab, II Semester 2021-2022)

  • Systems Biology (II Semester 2021-2022, ELL707)

  • Introduction to Electrical Engineering (I Semester 2021-2022, ELL101)

  • Introduction to Electrical Engineering (Lab, I Semester 2021-2022)

  • Stochastic Filtering and Identification (II Semester 2020-2021), ELL705)

  • Control Engineering Lab (II Semester 2020-2021, ELP225)

  • Multivariable Control (I Semester 2020-2021, ELL333)

  • Systems Biology (II Semester 2019-2020, ELL707)

  • Multivariable Control (I Semester 2019-2020, ELL333)

  • Introduction to Electrical Engineering (Lab, I Semester 2019-2020, ELL100)

  • Electrical and Electronic Instrumentation (II Semester 2018-2019, ELL301)

  • Introduction to Electrical Engineering (Lab, II Semester 2018-2019, ELL100)

  • Multivariable Control (I Semester 2018-2019, ELL333)

  • Control Engineering Lab (I Semester 2018-2019, ELP225)

  • Electrical and Electronic Instrumentation (II Semester 2017-2018, ELL301)

  • Advanced Control Laboratory (II Semester 2017-2018, ELP801)

  • Systems Biology (I Semester 2017-2018, ELL707)

  • Control Engineering Lab (I Semester 2017-2018, ELP225)

  • Stochastic Filtering and Identification (II Semester 2016-2017, ELL705)

  • Introduction to Electrical Engineering (Lab, II Semester 2016-2017, ELL100)

  • Seminar (II Semester 2016-2017, ELQ301)

  • Introduction to Electrical Engineering (I Semester 2016-2017, ELL100)

  • Stochastic Filtering and Identification (II Semester 2015-16, ELL705)

  • Introduction to Electrical Engineering (Lab, II Semester 2015-16, ELL100)

  • Systems Biology (I Semester 2015-16, ELL707)

  • Control Engineering Lab (I Semester 2015-16, ELP225)

  • Parameter Estimation and System Identification (II Semester 2014-15, EEL774)

  • Project Laboratory (II Semester 2014-15, EEP874)

  • Nonlinear Systems (I Semester 2014-15, EEL824)

  • Control Engineering Lab (I Semester 2014-15, EEP301)

  • Control Engineering - I (II Semester 2013-14, EEL301)

  • Nonlinear Systems (I Semester 2013-14, EEL824)

  • Control Engineering Lab (I semester 2013-14, EEP301)

  • Control Engineering - I (II semester 2012-13, EEL301)

  • Selected Topics in Advanced Control and Systems Theory - I (I Semester 2012-13, EEL829)

  • Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering (Lab, I Semester 2012-13, EEL101)

  • Colloquim (EE) (I Semester 2012-13, EEC410)

Instructor, California Institute of Technology

  • Introduction to Dynamics (Spring 2012, CDS140b)

Teaching Assistant, California Institute of Technology

  • Applied Operator Theory (Fall 2007, CDS201)

  • Introductory Concepts for Dynamical Systems (Spring 2006, CDS104)

  • Introductory Control Theory (Winter 2006, CDS110b)