EEL 774, II semester 2014-15

This is the the webpage for EEL 774, II semester 2014-15

Parameter Estimation and System Identification

Shaunak Sen
Lectures: TuThF 11:00-11:50am
Room: Block III - 386


  • 30.04.2015: MAJOR TEST scheduled from 1PM-3PM on Fri, 01.05.2015 in II-325. Please check Exam Schedule for up-to-date information.

  • 18.04.2015: Project guidelines, data posted.

  • 07.04.2015: MINOR TEST 2 solutions, HW1 solutions posted.

  • 30.03.2015: HW2 posted.

  • 18.03.2015: MINOR TEST 2 scheduled from 4-5PM on Sat, 21.03.2015 in II-325. Please check Exam Schedule for up-to-date information.

  • 10.03.2015: MINOR TEST 1 solutions posted.

  • 03.02.2015: HW1 posted.

  • 05.01.2015: Webpage online.


S. No. Date Topic Suggested Reading Homework
1 Week 1
(Jan 2)
Data, Model, Method
Schmidt & Lipson, Science (324), 2009.
Ljung 1.4
2 Week 2
(Jan 6, 8, 9)
Prominent Methods
Ljung 1.3
3 Week 3
(Jan 13, 15, 16)

Ljung 3.1-3.2
4 Week 4
(Jan 20, 22, 23)
Linear Models
Transfer Functions
Linear Time-Varying Models
Nonlinear Models
Ljung 4.1-4.2

Ljung 4.3
Ljung 5.1-5.3
5 Week 5
(Jan 27, 29, 30)
Methods - Static Context
Least-Squares Method
Least-squares estimation: from Gauss to Kalman,
Sorenson, IEEE Spectrum, July 1970.
Ljung II
6 Week 6
(Feb 3, 5, 6)
Maximum Likelihood
Cramer-Rao Bound
Methods - Dynamic Context
Least Squares
Ljung II
Ljung 7.3
7 Week 7
(Feb 10, 12, 13)
Maximum Likelihood
Maximum A Posteriori Estimate,
Bayes Method
Ljung 7.4
8 Week 8
(Feb 16 - MINOR TEST 1, 19)
Instrument-Variable Method Ljung 7.6
9 Week 9
(Feb 24, 26, 27)
Computational Example
Example Code (Corrected)
10 Week 10
(Mid-Semester Break)
11 Week 11
(Mar 10, 12, 13)
Notions of Convergence
Consistent Estimates
Rate of Convergence
Convergence Example (handout)
Convergence Example (code)
Optional: Ljung 8, 9
12 Week 12
(Mar 17, 18, 21 - MINOR TEST 2)
Recursive Least-Squares
Time-Varying Parameters
Recursive Instrument-Variables
Ljung 11.1-11.3
13 Week 13
(Mar 24, 26, 27)
Recursive Maximum Likelihood Ljung 11.4-11.5
14 Week 14
(Mar 31)
Example: ARMAX Ljung Example 11.1 HW2
15 Week 15
(Apr 7, 9, 10)
Extended Kalman Filter Optional: Anderson & Moore, Optimal Filtering
16 Week 16
(Apr 14, 16, 17)
Properties & Example
17 Week 17
(Apr 21, 23, 24, 25)
Further Examples
18 Week 18
(Apr 28)
Project Presentations

Reference Textbooks

  • L. Ljung, System Identification: Theory for the User, Prentice Hall, 2nd edition, 1999.