ELL 100, I semester 2016-17

This is the the webpage for ELL 100, I semester 2016-17, related to lectures held in LH526

Introduction to Electrical Engineering

Shaunak Sen
E-mail: shaunak.sen@ee.iitd.ac.in
Lectures: TWTh 10:00-10:50am
Room: LH526


  • 07.10.2016 : MINOR TEST 2 scheduled from 2:30-3:30pm on Mon, 10.10.2016. Please check related moodle page for detailed instructions and any updates.

  • 06.09.2016 : Assignment – Forms groups of 3. Make video assignment (1 per group) of about 3 minutes involving a concept, a gadget, or any working methodology of a circuit related to Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Should have students’ own voice explaining the concept or working or gadget in own words. Last date of submission (by uploading on youtube) = 21.10.2016.

  • 06.09.2016 : MINOR TEST 1 copy distribution. Thursday 4-6pm. Room LH526.

  • 02.09.2016 : For video assignment, divide yourselves into groups of 3. Last date for submitting the video assignment is 21.10.2016.

  • 02.09.2016 : Check MINOR TEST 1 solutions and marking scheme (or check on Moodle).

  • 26.08.2016 : MINOR TEST 1 scheduled from 2:30-3:30pm on Sun, 28.08.2016. Please check Exam Schedule for room allotments per groups and updates to this information.

  • 23.08.2016 : Kindly check Moodle for lecture notes and problems posted here as well as for course material from other lecture sections.

  • 26.07.2016: Webpage online.


S. No. Date Topic Advised Reading Practise Problems
1 Week 1
(Jul 26, 27, 29)
Circuit Analysis
Elements in an electrical circuit (R, L, C, Voltage & Current Source)
Basic Circuit Analysis - KCL, KVL
Smith & Dorf Ch 1, 2
Lecture: Jul 26, Jul 27, Jul 29
Problems (draft solutions)
2 Week 2
(Aug 3, 5)
Dependent Sources
Thevenin & Norton Equivalents
Smith & Dorf Ch 2, 3
Lecture: Aug 5
Problems (draft solutions)
3 Week 3
(Aug 9, 10, 12 (twice))
Superposition, Maximum Power Transfer, Tellegen's Theorem
Step Responses - RC, RL, RLC circuits
Smith & Dorf Ch 2
Smith & Dorf Ch 4.1-4.3, 5.1-5.2, 6
Lecture: Aug 9, Aug 10, Aug 12, Aug 12 - II
Problems (draft solutions)
4 Week 4
(Aug 16, 17, 19)
Sinusoidal/ AC Responses
Phasors, Impedances
Instantaneous and Average Power
Power Factor
Smith & Dorf Ch 7.1-7.4
Lecture: Aug 16, Aug 17, Aug 19
5 Week 5
(Aug 23, 24, 26)
Power Factor Correction
Doubt Clearing
Smith & Dorf 7.2
Lecture: Aug 23, Aug 24, Aug 26
6 Week 6
(Aug 31, Sep 2)
I-V Characteristic and Models
Applications - Rectifiers, Clippers, Clampers
Smith & Dorf 3.7-8, 11.4
Lecture: Aug 31, Sep 2
Additional Notes
Problems (draft solutions)
7 Week 7
(Sep 6)
Diode physics Smith & Dorf 11.1-11.5
Lecture: Sep 6
8 Week 10
(Sep 30)
Operational Amplifiers
Device Characteristic
Golden Rules in a Feedback Configuration
Smith & Dorf 16.1
Lecture: Sep 30
9 Week 11
(Oct 4, 5)
Applications Smith and Dorf 3.8, 16.2-4
Lecture: Oct 4, Oct 5
10 Week 12
(Oct 10 - MINOR TEST 2, 14)
Real op-amp characteristics Smith & Dorf 16.5, Pg 854-855
Lecture: Oct 14
11 Week 13
(Oct 18, 19, 21)
Digital Logic
Basic gates, Truth Tables
Boolean Algebra
Karnaugh's Map
Measuring Instruments
Smith & Dorf 13.1-2
Lecture: Oct 18, Oct 19, Oct 21
12 Week 14
(Semester Break)

In weeks 15 and 16, lectures were held as follows,

  • For Groups 1-10, lectures were held in LH114 on Nov 1, 2, 4, and 8 from 10:00-10:50am.

  • For Groups 11-20, lectures were held in LH 325 on Nov 1, 3, and 8 at the (approximate) times 5:40-6:30pm, 6:10-7:30pm, and 5:00-6:10pm, respectively.

Topics covered were Magnetic Circuits and Transformers, specifically,

  • Magnetic Field Relations (Smith & Dorf 20.3)

  • Electrical and Magnetic Circuit Analogies (Smith & Dorf 20.4)

  • AC Excitation, Inductance, Energy Density, Core Losses (Smith & Dorf 21.2)

  • Basics of Transformers (Smith & Dorf 21.3-4)

The lecture slides are available here.

Some problems with draft solutions related to Magnetic Circuits are here.

Reference Textbooks

  • R. J. Smith and R. C. Dorf, Circuits, Devices and Systems, Wiley, 5th edition,1992.

  • E. Hughes, Electrical Technology, Pearson, 7th edition.

  • Bobrow, Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering, Oxford Univ Press.