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Answers to problems in Tutorial 9

  1. 0 for Vin > Vdd-Vt
    (Vin-Vt)-√((2*Vin-Vdd)*(Vdd-2*Vt)) for Vdd-Vt > Vin > Vdd/2
    (Vin+Vt)+√((Vdd-2*Vin)*(Vdd-2*Vt)) for Vdd/2 > Vin > Vt
    Vdd for Vt > Vin
    Input has to be Vdd/2 for both nMOS and pMOS to be in saturation.
  2. gm of nMOS = gm of pMOS = 10mS. Slope = -1000.
  3. (b) A′C′(B′+D′)
    (c) A′B′C′+D′
    (d) AB′+A′B
    (e) AB+A′B′

Answers to problems in Tutorial 10

  1. 13.2 milli-Weber.
  2. 1.2 Tesla.
  3. 0.33 Ampere.
  4. 10.2 Amperes.

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Last updated on October 19 2016 at 07:59 IST