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 Analog Electronic Circuits

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These lectures are available on the web for the benefit of students at IIT Delhi and elsewhere. Copyrights to these rest solely with the instructor and IIT Delhi. Publishing them and/or rehosting them on other servers, or using them for any sort of commercial gain is expressly prohibited.

Lectures: Videos and Slides

DateNumberLectureVideoSlidesRaw Flash Video
4 Jan 2011:Lecture 1,Diode basics
7 Jan 2011:Lecture 2,Diode based circuits
11 Jan 2011:Lecture 3,Diode small signal model, BJT
12 Jan 2011:Lecture 4,BJT characteristics, small signal model


The .pdf file has all the slides in it. You can download this if you want to view the material covered in class in the form of slides. The .swf file is a raw flash video. There is no player with it; use it for downloading and offline viewing.

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Last updated on October 19 2016 at 08:00 IST