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 Analog Electronic Circuits

Answers for tutorial 2:

Note: Vt = kT/q is assumed to be 26 mV for these answers.

  1. 38.5 uA.
  2. If Vd is the voltage across the series combination of the two diodes, Vt is kT/q, then:
    Id = sqrt(I_S1 I_S2) exp(Vd/(2Vt)).
  3. A 50 Hz, 5 V amplitude source is to be used. The full wave bridge rectifier should have a load resistance of 6.5 Ohm, with a capacitor in shunt with the load. The cap should be at least 1.4 mF.
  4. At steady state, output will be a constant voltage of 2V_in. (V_in was the amplitude of the input sinusoid.)
  5. 0.25 mA.
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