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 Analog Electronic Circuits

Laboratory Exercises

Number Details Link
Exp 1Practice with ngspice [PDF]
Exp 2BJT characteristics[PDF]
Exp 3Cascade amplifier[PDF]
Exp 4Current biased emitter follower[PDF]
Exp 5Differential amplifier testing[PDF]


MOS models

Several device parameters are required to accurately describe an MOS device. The device parameters are written in a library file. You can use the following model library for MOS devices. The parameters are obtained from measurements on real devices on a test wafer, available in the public domain. The above model file has to be included as a .lib or a .include statement in your circuit netlist. The minimum length of devices, when you use the above model library, is 0.18 μm.

BJT models

The devices commonly used in the laboratory are BC107A or BC107B. Also used are SL100 (npn) and SK100 (pnp), their models are not available.
.model BC107A   NPN(Is=7.049f Xti=3 Eg=1.11 Vaf=116.3 Bf=375.5 Ise=7.049f
+               Ne=1.281 Ikf=4.589 Nk=.5 Xtb=1.5 Br=2.611 Isc=121.7p Nc=1.865
+               Ikr=5.313 Rc=1.464 Cjc=5.38p Mjc=.329 Vjc=.6218 Fc=.5 Cje=11.5p
+               Mje=.2717 Vje=.5 Tr=10n Tf=451p Itf=6.194 Xtf=17.43 Vtf=10)
*		PHILIPS		pid=bc107a	case=TO18
*		91-08-02 dsq
.model BC107B   NPN(Is=7.049f Xti=3 Eg=1.11 Vaf=59.59 Bf=381.7 Ise=59.74f
+               Ne=1.522 Ikf=3.289 Nk=.5 Xtb=1.5 Br=2.359 Isc=192.9p Nc=1.954
+               Ikr=7.807 Rc=1.427 Cjc=5.38p Mjc=.329 Vjc=.6218 Fc=.5 Cje=11.5p
+               Mje=.2718 Vje=.5 Tr=10n Tf=438p Itf=5.716 Xtf=14.51 Vtf=10)
*		PHILIPS		pid=bc107b	case=TO18
*		91-08-02 dsq

Ideal diodes and BJTs

A lot of times you just want to test out an idea, for which you need near ideal devices. The following are models for near ideal diodes and BJTs.
.model ideal_diode diode level=1 is=0.1f
.model ideal_npn bjt type=npn is=0.1f bf=100 va=25 tf=10p
.model ideal_pnp bjt type=pnp is=0.1f bf=100 va=25 tf=10p


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Last updated on October 19 2016 at 08:05 IST