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 Analog Electronic Circuits

Answers for tutorial 2:

Note: VT = kT/q is assumed to be 26 mV for these answers. Further I_C = I_S exp(V_BE/VT).

  1. Units of alpha: A^2/V^2; beta: A/V; gamma: V/A; delta: V/A.
    r_bc = dVBC/dIB; K_bc = dVBC/dVAC; beta_ac = dIC/dIB; r_ac = 1/(dIC/dVAC).
    Small signal circuit has series combination of resistor r_bc and VCVS of K_bc times V_AC, between B and C. Between A and C there is the shunt combination of resistor r_ac, and CCCS of beta_ac times (-I_B).
  2. 399 V.
  3. V_BE is 0.833 V, I_B is 16.67 uA. I_C is 1.667 mA. RC should be 1.12 kOhm.
  4. Gain of -72.
  5. Input impedance of 1.54 kOhm. Output impedance of 1.12 kOhm.
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