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 Analog Electronic Circuits

Answers for tutorial 4:

  1. R_E = 940 Ohm, R_C = 4.7 kOhm, R_1 = 8.2 kOhm, R_2 = 51.8 kOhm.
  2. Gain = 0.995. Max at emitter is 11.3 V, min at emitter is 0, quiescent is at 5.17 V. Max symmetric swing is between 0 and 10.34 V.
  3. Gain = -1.9425. Max at collector is 12 V, min at collector is 7.1 V, quiescent is at 9.45 V. Symmetric swing is from 7.1 V to 11.8 V.
  4. Gain = -119. If cap across 3.3 kOhm had not been there, the gain would be approximately -0.9. If R_C had been an inductor instead, V_E is needed for computing the gain. Assuming V_E of 10 V, the voltage gain would be -39600.
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