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 Analog Electronic Circuits

Answers for tutorial 5:

  1. I_D is 0.1 mA. V_DS (Q) is 3 V. Output impedance of 20 kOhm. Voltage gain of - 20kOhm * 1mS = -20. Minimum voltage drain can go to is 0.2 V. Max voltage drain can go to is 5 V. Quiescent is 3 V. For symmetric swing the limits are 5 V and 1 V.
  2. I_D is 0.1 mA; V_SD (Q) is 1.9 V. Output impedance of 18 kOhm. Voltage gain of -18. Max voltage at drain is 3.5 V. Minimum voltage at drain is 0. For symmetric swing the limits are 3.5 V and 0.1 V.
  3. For R_D of 40 kOhm the device *does not* operate in the flat region.
  4. I_D is 0.1 mA; V_DS (Q) is 4 V. Output impedance is 4.44 kOhm. Voltage gain is -1.28. Max V_DS is 4.39 V. Min V_DS is 0.6 V. For symmetric swing the limits are 4.39 V and 3.61 V.
  5. I_D is 0.1 mA; V_SD (Q) is 1.2 V. Output impedance is 28 kOhm. Voltage gain is -28. Min drain voltage is 0 V. Max drain voltage is 3.52 V. For symmetric swing the limits for the drain voltage are 3.52 V and 2.08 V.
  6. I_D is 5.625 mA for both devices, V_DS / V_SD for both devices is 2.5 V. Output impedance is 889 Ohms. Voltage gain is 13.3. The output cannot swing at all if both devices are to be maintained in their flat regions.
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