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Answers for tutorial 7:

  1. -R2/R1 \frac{1 + s C1 R1} { 1 + s C2 R2}
  2. v_E can be written as:
    v_E = v_{in} \frac{g_m R_E A}{1 + g_m R_E + g_m R_E A}
    As A tends to \infty, v_E becomes equal to v_{in}. This means current through R_E becomes v_{in}/R_E. Current through R_E is the same as current through R_C. Output voltage is therefore -v_{in} R_C/R_E.
  3. v(t) = A cos(wt + phi) where w = 1/(RC). A and phi are arbitrary constants of integration.
  4. A(s) = wu/s; here the bandwidth can be expressed as wu/(1+R2/R1).
    A(s) = A/(1 + s/wp); here the bandwidth can be expressed as wp(A + 1 + R2/R1)/(1 + R2/R1).
  5. DC gain of 600, unity gain bandwidth of 6 MHz.
  6. DC gain of 500, unity gain bandwidth of 5 MHz.
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Last updated on October 19 2016 at 08:06 IST