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 Analog Electronic Circuits

Answers for tutorial 8:

    1. (gm3 rds3 rds4) || (gm2 rds2 (rds1 || R)) . gm1 . (R || rds1) / (R || rds1 + 1/gm2)
    2. (gm3 rds3 rds4) || (gm2 (rds2 || R) rds1 ) . gm1 . rds1 / (rds1 + (R || 1/gm2))
    3. (gm4 rds4 rds5) || (gm3 rds3 (rds2 || rds1)) . gm1 . (rds1 || rds2) / ((rds1 || rds2) + 1/gm3)
    4. Ditto.
  1. For the BJT current mirror, the following transcendental equation is to be numerically solved:
    I_{out} R = v_T ln (I_0 / I_{out})
    For the MOS current mirror:
    I_{out} = \frac{2R\sqrt{I_0 K} + 1 - \sqrt{1+4R\sqrt{I_0 K}}}{2 K R^2}
  2. V_{in} / R
  3. kT/q ln (m/n)
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Last updated on October 19 2016 at 08:06 IST