
What are the psychological foundations of value, gains, and losses?

We are interested in psychological processes underlying valuation of outcomes in both monetary and non-monetary situations along with antecedents or consequences  in different domains. This is a fundamental aspect of thinking that underlies a lot of what we do in life.

About us

We are an academic research group at the Department of HSS at IIT Delhi, led by Sumitava Mukherjee – the first one to advance research on judgment and decision making in India. Our goal is to understand the psychological foundations and cognitive mechanisms underlying judgments and decisions related to valuation which form the fundamentals of behavioral economics.

Do you know what we found?

Computational modeling
Modeling the psychological biases in rejection of mixed gambles

Multiple biases underlie rejections of gambles, but valuation bias linked to loss aversion remains the important one, not pre-valuation

Health and Lifestyle
How does the number of lives matter in gain versus loss frames for clinical trials?

Risk-aversion in gain frames was sensitive to the number of lives at stake but Risk-seeking in loss frames was not.


Mukherjee's opinion article "Revise the belief in loss aversion" is now among the top 3% of all articles published on Frontiers garnering more than 20,000 views.


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Mukherjee Decision Lab advances fundamental concepts, psychological foundations and cognitive mechanisms about judgment and decision making.

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